Outline for task management chapter

Posted: - Modified: | emacs, wickedcoolemacs

Why manage your tasks in Emacs

- [ ] What you might be using now
  - [ ] Your brain
  - [ ] Paper
  - [ ] A text file
  - [ ] A sophisticated task management system
- [ ] The power of customization (tell a story)
- [ ] Integrating with your non-Emacs life

Strategies for task management

- [ ] Top-down
- [ ] Bottom-up
- [ ] Combining both strategies
- [ ] The daily and weekly reviews

Choosing a task manager

- [ ] Outline-oriented planning, dynamic views
- [ ] Day orientation, more flexibility in prioritizing individual tasks, publishing, sharing additional information


- [ ] A day in the life
- [ ] The basics
  - [ ] Working with tasks
  - [ ] Viewing your task list
  - [ ] Prioritizing tasks
  - [ ] Scheduling tasks
  - [ ] Viewing your agenda
  - [ ] Marking a task as done
  - [ ] Weekly reviews
- [ ] Intermediate topics
  - [ ] Clocking time
  - [ ] Repeating tasks
  - [ ] Working with projects
  - [ ] Working with tags
- [ ] Advanced stuff
  - [ ] Managing multiple identities
  - [ ] Estimating your time
  - [ ] Publishing your task list
    - [ ] Twitter task updates
    - [ ] Daily task list
    - [ ] Project summary


- [ ] A day in the life
- [ ] The basics
  - [ ] Working with tasks
  - [ ] Viewing your task list for the day
  - [ ] Prioritizing tasks
  - [ ] Scheduling tasks
  - [ ] Marking a task as done
  - [ ] Weekly reviews
- [ ] Intermediate topics
  - [ ] Clocking time
  - [ ] Working with plan pages
  - [ ] Task overviews
  - [ ] Repeating tasks
- [ ] Advanced stuff
  - [ ] Estimating your time
  - [ ] Publishing your task list
    - [ ] Private information in your tasks
    - [ ] Twitter task updates
    - [ ] Daily task list
    - [ ] Project summary

Wrapping up

On Technorati: , ,

Random Emacs symbol: appt-display-format – Variable: How appointment reminders should be displayed.

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