10 Terrific WordPress Plugins

| blogging, wordpress

Here are ten of my favorite WordPress plugins:

Discover old posts and make random connections.

  1. On this day
  2. Random Posts widget
  3. Similar Posts

Make it easier for people to comment and keep track of the conversation. Make it easier to respond to those comments, too!

  1. Brian’s Threaded Comments
  2. Subscribe To Comments
  3. Better Comments Manager

Check out these other plugins.

  1. Flexo Archives – if you’ve been blogging since 2002, you need one of these.
  2. FeedWordPress – I used this to import all of my old blog posts from my Planner-based blog. Great if you keep more than one blog.
  3. Google XML Sitemaps – Because it doesn’t matter what you write if Google can’t find it.
  4. TD Word Count – Nice to see how many words you’ve written. Tweak this a little to share your stats with the rest of the world.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.