Time management and work boundaries

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[Never Wrestle With A Pig]:

McCormack addresses time management here, making several astute points. The biggest one – and the one that I see many people not actually doing – is to set a very strict time for leaving work and sticking to it. Doing that ensures two things: one, that you have adequate time for personal growth and rest so that, two, during the time you’re actually there, you can be highly productive. I’ve seen people burn the midnight oil quite often – it works fine for a little while, but they usually wind up exhausted, underproductive, and bitter about things, none of which are helpful for your career.

The Simple Dollar – Review: Never Wrestle With A Pig
I’m in my twenties, and this is supposed to be when I focus almost exclusively on my career, put in the long hours, and do whatever I need to do in order to get on the fast track and stay there. That might work for other people, but I don’t think it would work for me. I need the space for growth and rest, and there are other important things in life. I’ll work hard when it’s time to work, and I’ll invest time in developing other areas of my life as well.

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