Weekly review – April 13, 2008

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Another week of conferences passed by in a blur. There were so many good stories; I hope I can reconstruct them from my chicken-scratches! I haven’t even gotten back in touch with people from the two conferences I went to over the last two weeks. I plan to summarize the general conversations I’ve been having, and then get in touch with everyone and have the followup conversations over e-mail. Anyway, here’s how my week went:

  • I spent Sunday to Wednesday at the IBM Technical Leadership Exchange in Orlando, Florida. Here are some of the highlights:
  • Networking workshop: Looks like I’ve got the basic networking stuff down pat. Well, maybe I could find a better way to do follow-up – a quicker way to do data entry and mass e-mail? Hmm. Also, it might be a good idea to try teaching social networking sometime…
  • Presentation secrets from comedians: Some great tips in there, such as establishing the space at the beginning of the presentation and getting the hang of walking backwards.
  • Animal Kingdom – It’s really quite a different experience, chatting about tech while going up a rollercoaster… =)
  • Keynote speeches – Loved the energy! Someday I’m going to be able to do something like that…
  • I gave a presentation on I.B.Millennials: The Net Generation. I structured it as more of a discussion than a lecture, and I learned a lot from the thoughts that people shared. I’ve posted my notes on my internal blog.
  • Saturday was a quiet day. I spent most of the time tidying up and working on my book.
  • Catching up with family: my dad and my sister made it to the newspaper for two different things. Every so often it seems my dad gets caught up in a media blitz (all good stuff, don’t worry). Also–a reality TV show?!
  • On Sunday, I scrambled to get all my stuff together for my business trip. I found out that some suits really do mean it when they say “Dry Clean Only.” Fortunately, the suit that shrank was one of the suits I ordered off eBay for a fraction of the retail price. From now on, I will buy only machine-washable suits. =)
  • Now in Yorktown Heights, NY for a Web 2.0 Summit. Do not have to present anything for this summit, although will be around to do headless-chicken impressions because am one of the organizers. Also, promised to present something on Friday, and have two presentations scheduled for next week. Ack!
  • Thought for the week: I like this, but I’m also looking forward to slowing down and catching my breath. =)

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