Weekly review: Week ending November 9, 2008
| weeklyThis week:
- Got ready for the second release of my Drupal-based project. Things are going well!
- Attended the Women in IBM Networking Group’s executive mentoring session. Realized I don’t want to become an executive considering the compromises people make. ;)
- Not only survived the videotaping of my Top 10 Web 2.0 Tools GBS Consultants Should Try session, but gave the guy a few tips on video production. Played around with Camtasia Studio for making picture-in-picture shows.
- Attended the HR.com/SelectMinds corporate social networking teleconference session on new hire onboarding. No surprises, although picked up a few good stories about Southwest and other companies.
- Booked my flight to Montreal.
- Dropped by hacklab.to. Ran into Jed. Good conversation about job-hunting, social networking, Emacs, etc.
- Played around with CiviCRM for personal contact relationship management.
- Helped out with a talk on mentoring by telling my story about blogs.
- Mindmapped and storyboarded Montreal talk.
- Printed out necessary forms for permanent residency application.
- Tweeted much more than before, thanks to iPod Touch.
Next week:
- Push release-2 to production server.
- Document release procedure so that other people can do it in the future (and so that I can take it with me to future projects).
- Finish whatever enhancements I have time to do.
- Deliver session in Montreal on students and Web 2.0 at work.
- Meet up with lots of interesting Montreal-basedpeople, including friends I haven’t seen in a while.
- Fill in one of my permanent residency forms.
- Finish black skirt.
- Mail package to Randell.
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