Weekly review: Week ending Dec 28, 2008

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You can tell a lot about people by the way they spend their vacations. Some people escape to tropical islands for a week of pampering. Others seek thrills in wild adventures. W- and I baked a ton of cookies and egg tarts, tidied up the house, and caught up on plenty of sleep.

Last week:

  • Virtually attended Adphoto Christmas party.
  • Finished custom-fit sewing pattern, after many struggles. Transferred onto pattern cloth.
  • Read plenty of books
  • Treated cats to turducken (cat food in a can, oh my!).
  • Had dinner with W-‘s family.
  • Prototype Drupal-based conference commando site for internal use.
  • Sent annual updates out by e-mail and blog post.
  • Reviewed and printed photos.

Plans for next week:

  • Continue bugging the project managers for more work.
  • Mindmap upcoming events.
  • Create conference type for Drupal-based site.
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