Weekly review: Week ending January 4, 2009

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Hello, 2009! So far, it’s been awesome. (I say that word a lot, but that’s because it’s true.)

Last week:

  • Created a pretty interesting settings.php/profile-customization system for Drupal that makes it easier for developers to create new platforms for the microsites we’re building.
  • Sent out lots of e-mail updates, and got plenty of great replies. Now replying to those replies and copying everyone’s goals into my address book. Hooray!
  • W- and J- taught me more about LEGO Technic. W- is really into LEGO; in fact, that’s how we met. And me – I’m just having so much fun learning about the names of all the widgets and imagining how to use them…
  • Brainstormed a list of things I can do to create more value at work, and I posted that on my internal blog. Within the next hour, I’d gotten some e-mails and instant messages from people who can help me make things happen or who’ll benefit from what I can do.
  • “Hand-wrote” a letter and e-mailed it to my mom. Yay Cintiq!
  • Drew and posted a comic
  • Brainstormed and shared some ways I can improve my website and become a better networker
  • Started thinking about what #lifecamptoronto could be like
  • Attended Pete Forde’s dinner party with a bunch of cool people
  • Posted some of my book notes to Twitter, more detailed notes to follow

Next week:

  • Get back to work! Integrate Lotus Connections and Drupal for fun and profit.
  • Meet lots of people.
  • Storyboard my upcoming talks.
  • Post my Drupal site and see what people think of it. =)
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