Weekly report: week ending March 1, 2009
| weeklyFrom last week:
Clean up source code and get it ready for a week’s absence.Passes all the unit tests, hooray!- Get ready for DrupalCon trip. I’ve been invited to another panel, so more preparation – and I haven’t even finished that blog post for my own session yet! =)
Delegate some more tasks and figure out how to help people become better web researchers.Posted demo and process. =)
I also:
- Picked up my new passport (ooh, shiny).
- Discovered the joys of the Ubiquity extension for Firefox. =)
- Started on our taxes.
- Made mussels marinara with W-! Mmm mm mm… =D Also am starting to really get the hang of those muffins.
- Assigned a bunch of other tasks to my VA team.
Next week:
- DrupalCon 2009 in Washington! Give session on Totally Rocking Your Development Environment, participate in panel on staging and deployment practices.
- Hang out with Sameer Vasta. Give him birthday book and cookies. =)
- Organize my library book notes.
- Outline my talk on March 14.
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