Weekly report: Week ending March 29, 2009
| weeklyFrom last week:
Sort out Transition2 bugsGetting ready for release!Finish proposalGet Smart presentation on IBM Web 2.0 toolsThat rocked!Finish at least two formsHooray! Almost done, I think…Try Angelo Racoma’s VA serviceAsked them to get started on that managing-VAs projectGive feedback to TimebridgeYay!
- Filed our taxes, oh my =)
- Got a bike! =D
- Set up a couple more talks
- Helped team members learn more about Drupal
- Automated more processes
- Caught up with some friends
- Reviewed my plans and set up some short-term projects
- Received interesting posts about career advice from two of my VAs, after I challenged them to write me something more than the usual platitudes. One posted, one to follow.
Next week:
- Deploy new release of Transition2
- Ride my bike! =)
- Work on organizing talks, ideas, and material some more
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