Weekly review: Week ending March 22, 2009
| weeklyFrom last week:
Fix defects detected during Transition2 testing- Update all the user documentation for Transition2. On hold until we get all the defects sorted out and things stop changing
Saturday: Deliver short talk to Drupal Peru on Totally Rocking Your Development EnvironmentThat was tons of fun!Chat with Jeff Widman regarding outsourcingAlso talked about consulting and passionExplore Batchbook for contact managementSeems interesting. =) I have a two-month free trial – let’s see if it becomes part of the way I work.Look for a web-based GTD-compatible task management system that integrates well with e-mail; RTM? Batchbook?Probably Remember The Milk…
- Met up with Mesh panelists
- Helped with a proposal
- Presented DrupalCon wrap-up at IBM Drupal Users Group meeting
- Gave feedback to someone from Tungle
- Getting the hang of this delegating thing… =)
Next week:
- Sort out Transition2 bugs
- Finish proposal
- Get Smart presentation on IBM Web 2.0 tools
- Finish at least two forms
- Try Angelo Racoma’s VA service
- Give feedback to Timebridge
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