Weekly report: Week ending April 12, 2009
| weeklyFrom last week’s plans:
Clear up Transition2 issuesProduction seems to be stable now, and development on the next version has started. Yay!Moderate a panel at Mesh, attend the afterpartyThat was fun!Give a talk at the Women in Technology groupThat was also fun! =)- Tweak my task management process a bit more – maybe look into Org integration over the weekend? I find myself really liking the ability to review and add to my Toodledo from anywhere. Hmm.
I also:
- Found a few more potential mentors
- Had a great lunch conversation with Steve Mann and Ian Garmaise
- Fell off the waking-up-early wagon
- Rode my bicycle a lot! Yay!
- Played catch with lacrosse sticks some more. Getting the hang of it.
- Got a great transcript for one of my talks – can’t wait to do more!
- Refined my talk management process =)
Next week:
- Work on the next version of Transition2
- Give a talk on making the most of Sametime Unyte
- Put together that guide for remote presentations
- Get back into drawing stick figures
- Experiment with delegating illustration or animation. That would be interesting… =)
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