Weekly report: Week ending April 5, 2009

| weekly

From last week:

  • Deploy new release of Transition2 Lessons learned
  • Ride my bike! =)
  • Work on organizing talks, ideas, and material some more Thought about possible ways to organize the information


  • Explored task management systems
  • Played catch using lacrosse sticks =)
  • Started sewing a blouse
  • Found someone for sewing lessons
  • Coordinated with other IBMers interested in virtual conferences
  • Had a great conversation with my manager
  • Experimented with outsourcing transcription – yay!

This week:

  • Clear up Transition2 issues
  • Moderate a panel at Mesh, attend the afterparty
  • Give a talk at the Women in Technology group
  • Tweak my task management process a bit more – maybe look into Org integration over the weekend?
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