Weekly review: week ending May 18, 2009
Posted: - Modified: | weeklyFrom last week’s plans:
Work: Finish AJAX behaviour for event calendarHooray! I know a lot more about JQuery now- Work: Build new Drupal access model for our partners Mostly there, still needs more testing. Hooray test-driven design and development!
- Presentations: Prepare for upcoming presentations Hadn’t done enough of this
Sewing: Finish dressWhee!- Blog: Write that monthly report Still haven’t done this
Life: Host a get-togetherThis was fun! I’ve asked my assistant to start organizing one for next month.
I also:
- Planted lots of basil in our garden
- Watched Star Trek. It was awesome!
- Went on my first fully-loaded books+groceries bike trip with my new pannier
- Fixed bugs in the event calendar system
- Got my Cintiq 12WX to work again, after much pain and suffering
- Coached a developer in Pune and a senior IT architect in Toronto on Drupal
- Requested a whole bunch of books using my awesome Goodreads+virtual assistance+TPL combo
- Submitted another abstract called “Remote Presentations That Rock” for a leadership conference at work
This week, I plan to:
- Revise our event calendar some more
- Fix up the partner access model, pass tests
- Finish prepping for some of my upcoming talks
- Write that monthly overview
- Start thinking about the next dress I want to make, maybe a little black dress
- Bike every day
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