Weekly review: Week ending June 28, 2009
| weeklyFrom last week’s plans:
Complete contact preferences featureand admin feature for forums (Drupal) SkippedGive
two presentations at work (LinkedIn and Twitter, Totally Rocking
Presentations at IBM) and submit a third (I.B.Millennials: Working with
and Learning from Gen Y)Sew a nylon bag for carrying lots of stuffI have my own tote! =)Host a dinner get-togetherThat was a surprisingly satisfying Saturday supper salad and sorbet soiree. =)Have a facialOw!
I also:
- Accepted a challenging new assignment at work – Web 2.0 and Gen Y parts of strategy workshops with top clients, oh my!
- Had a garden salad with radish and lettuce sprouts
- Helped W- and J- do awesome things with my sewing machine
- Read lots of books
- Found out
- Biked a bit
Next week:
- Handle any issues in the Transition2 roll-out (seems pretty okay for now, looks like our lessons learned from last phase did the trick)
- Get ready for next two assignments
- Prepare presentations
- Blog thoughts
- Take pictures of sewing projects and garden
- Document lessons learned
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