Garden updates

| gardening

Our organic fruit, vegetable and herb garden is coming along wonderfully.


That’s about two-thirds of the garden. The other third would be the zucchinis, who have taken over the entire corner:

The most exciting news is that the tomatoes are beginning to ripen, which means that there will be plenty of salsa, bruschetta, and tomato sauce in our future. I’m particularly excited about the grape tomatoes, as the small tomatoes sell at a premium in supermarkets and are thus usually off our grocery list. The early tomatoes we planted are maturing first, and the grape tomatoes will follow in due course.


Other small fruits are starting to appear. The 5-colour peppers and the green peppers are adorable!


More exotic veggies are coming out, too. Here’s the edamame I planted in a pot:

and the okra:

We get enough basil for four good-sized servings of pesto each week:


(sage and parsley are in there too, too)

I’ve been snacking on beans, as we harvest so many of them:

Bush beans

The strawberries have made some runners, and I’ll figure out where to put them after we replace the tomatoes with a raised bed.

All the pictures:

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