Weekly review: Weeks ending August 8 and 15, 2009
| weeklyFrom the previous week’s plans:
Find ways to recognize the contributions people had made to the idea labLearn enough about Lotus Notes programming to create that sign-up button with referral trackingTake the medical exam for my permanent residency applicationTake another improv class (whee!)Prepare another week’s mealsChat with someone who’s interested in Gen Y and careersThink about what I’d like to do for my 26th birthday =D
For the week ending on August 8, I also:
- Made apricot syrup
- Chatted with a mentor about influence
- Got ready for a staycation
For the week ending August 15, I:
- Reviewed my past year of blog posts
- Reflected on relationships
- Had a Skype party with my friends
- Made jalapeno jelly and blueberry jam
- Sent a care package home
- Finished a new dress
- Ordered some books
- Wrote a Ruby program to extract my blog tags
- Attended an improv class
- Blogged a number of reflections
- Facilitated a session on generational challenges
- Had a facial. Still breaking out, though.
- Organized my drawers neatly. Yay!
Next week, I plan to:
- attend a class on presentations
- make a Slideshare presentation on networking for introverts
- write some more
- bike every day
- host a tea party
- plant snow peas
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