Weekly review: Sept 20 and Sept 27, 2009

| weekly

zomg, just realized I’d skipped the weekly review for last week. Hmm. Clearly, I need to sort out my task tracking system. I’m currently in limbo between Toodledo and Org, and things are falling through the cracks. The last time I thought about this, I decided to go with Org, so I should try making that my main system.

What did I do for the week ending September 20? Ah, yes:

  • Attend final session of Taking the Stage – it was about achieving a dynamic presence. My key take-aways were: _really_ be in the moment
  • Travel to Somers – helped at planning meeting, then hung out with Adam Christensen and John Rooney
  • Cross-reference presentations, agendas, and curriculum
  • Have lunch with Martin Cleaver – learned that independent consulting can require a lot of partnership
  • Attend my first sewing class (well, outside grade school home economics) Played with a serger, yay!
  • Attend another improv class Worked on insults, game of the scene
  • Blog about improv classes
  • Make purse organizer Made it. Using it. Quite happy. Must figure out how to get things to not fall out as much, though – maybe drawstring bag version?

Okay. Back to this week. For the week ending September 27, 2009, I:

  • Biked a lot. Yay! Biked to work, which was good. Also biked around.
  • Attended improv class. My energy was low because of the cough, but the Doublemint Twins exercise was good for getting into the game.
  • Attended sewing class. S’okay so far, although the lessons mostly cover things I figured out from books. Looking forward to the project work! Lots to learn there. Also, I picked up 5 yards of Polartec fleece so that I can make some warm clothes.
  • Coached various people on how to use Web 2.0, contribute to wikis, etc.
  • Started thinking about expanding The Shy Connector.
  • Coached people on Drupal
  • Attended a practice meeting at work (not a “practice” meeting, a meeting for our practice). Appreciated the perspective. Had lots of fun bonding with people afterwards.
  • Reviewed the Smart Work Jam posts, blogged follow-up thoughts.

Next week, I plan to:

  • Update the market scans for innovations and forces of change
  • Draft some points to include in The Shy Connector’s Guide to Conferences
  • Bike some more
  • Attend improv and sewing classes
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