Weekly review: Sept 20 and Sept 27, 2009
| weeklyzomg, just realized I’d skipped the weekly review for last week. Hmm. Clearly, I need to sort out my task tracking system. I’m currently in limbo between Toodledo and Org, and things are falling through the cracks. The last time I thought about this, I decided to go with Org, so I should try making that my main system.
What did I do for the week ending September 20? Ah, yes:
Attend final session of Taking the Stage– it was about achieving a dynamic presence. My key take-aways were: _really_ be in the momentTravel to Somers– helped at planning meeting, then hung out with Adam Christensen and John RooneyCross-reference presentations, agendas, and curriculumHave lunch with Martin Cleaver– learned that independent consulting can require a lot of partnershipAttend my first sewing class (well, outside grade school home economics)Played with a serger, yay!Attend another improv classWorked on insults, game of the sceneBlog about improv classesMake purse organizerMade it. Using it. Quite happy. Must figure out how to get things to not fall out as much, though – maybe drawstring bag version?
Okay. Back to this week. For the week ending September 27, 2009, I:
- Biked a lot. Yay! Biked to work, which was good. Also biked around.
- Attended improv class. My energy was low because of the cough, but the Doublemint Twins exercise was good for getting into the game.
- Attended sewing class. S’okay so far, although the lessons mostly cover things I figured out from books. Looking forward to the project work! Lots to learn there. Also, I picked up 5 yards of Polartec fleece so that I can make some warm clothes.
- Coached various people on how to use Web 2.0, contribute to wikis, etc.
- Started thinking about expanding The Shy Connector.
- Coached people on Drupal
- Attended a practice meeting at work (not a “practice” meeting, a meeting for our practice). Appreciated the perspective. Had lots of fun bonding with people afterwards.
- Reviewed the Smart Work Jam posts, blogged follow-up thoughts.
Next week, I plan to:
- Update the market scans for innovations and forces of change
- Draft some points to include in The Shy Connector’s Guide to Conferences
- Bike some more
- Attend improv and sewing classes
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