Weekly review: Week ending September 6, 2009
| weeklyFrom last week’s plans:
Work – more planning, tweaking, putting togetherMy team is happy with the improvements I’ve been suggesting. Yay!Web 2.0 and education talkIt’s funny how I can talk to 90 people in person and reach 3312 views online. I’m tempted to focus more on online presentations than real-life presentations because they’re more flexible and far-reaching…Cookies! =)Prepared another batch of frozen biscuits, yay!More bikingBiked to improv class. That was good!
I also:
- Packed my 72-hour bag
- Made a serendipitous connection with people in Brazil doing similar work
- Signed up for sewing classes
Next week’s plans:
- Work: Finish straw man proposal for better idea labs
- Work: Start on guide to help La Gaude
- Improv: Finish Improv 101, start Improv 102, have friends over
- Sewing: Make sleepwear
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