Weekly review: Week ending October 25, 2009
| weeklyPlans from last week:
- Work:
Set up two idea labs and send invitationsFollow up with expertsWrite the script/speaker’s notes for my upcoming sessions
- Relationships:
Make lamb curry and freeze lunches for W- and meHost a tea party- Start on that sofa wrap – Still have to measure the sofa
- Life:
- Pick up a few things to make fall and winter more bearable – Postponed; making do for now
- Launch The Shy Connector website – Will sketch things out some more =)
Post more of my drafted blog posts
- World:
Donate money through the Canadian Red Cross
I also:
- Posted a quick sketchcast of how I draw
- Sent out Lotus Notes invitations to the upcoming idea lab – now with cool metrics!
- Planned how I’m going to do the passport part of my permanent residency application
- Reviewed my personal business commitment results for 2009
- Developed the Phase 2: Explore slides for an upcoming training program
- Put together a quick proposal for an expert discussion
- Attended W-’s niece’s birthday dinner
- Planted garlic
- Attended improv and sewing classes
- Added content to my Delegator website
- Read a couple of books on leadership, improv, innovation, and other topics
- Helped W- deal with a smashed laptop
- Resumed writing morning pages
Plans for next week:
- Work
- Facilitate idea lab
- Develop more training material
- Connect with people throughout the organization
- Relationships
- Organize lunches with friends
- Practice reaching out to my network
- Life
- Finish my skirt
- Delegate flyer review and menu planning
- Create a simple animation
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