Weekly review: Week ending Nov 29, 2009 (and website redesign!)
| weeklyIf you’re reading this in your feed reader, check out my new site design at https://sachachua.com! =)
It’s amazing what you can do with focused time. I created my own website theme, tweaked a number of things that had been bugging me, and tried some optimizations. I’d love to hear what you think about the new theme, and what could make the site even better for you. =) Looking forward to your comments!
Plans from last week:
Catch up on deferred workInterview Jason WildPresent “Remote Presentations That Rock” at IBM women’s leadership programDouble-check calendar (including speaking engagements)- Also: Organized training activity
- Documented processes
- Set up community for women’s leadership program
- Filed expenses from Boston trip
- Nudged manager
- Take more pictures
Tidy up around house- Also: Enjoyed watching W- play Quake 4
Work on writing backlogReview editors’ feedback- Bake another pie
- Cut pieces for a coat
- Also: Sent permanent residency paperwork
- Created new website theme that involves more sketches and a grid layout, yay!
- Started learning animation
- Ordered Anime Studio 6 Debut
- Learned more about drawing
- Picked up tons of books from the library
- Looked up paperwork needs
Plans for next week:
- Support training sessions, community
- Interview speaker for podcast
- Talk to various people in the organization about similar initiatives
- Spend more time cooking
- Buy/make gifts
- Tweak blog some more
- Learn more about animation
- Post sketches
- Recover from cold
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.