Visual book notes: ADHD is Awesome - Penn and Kim Holderness (2024)

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(Feel free to use or share this under the Creative Commons Attribution license!)

Text and links from sketch

ADHD is Awesome - Penn and Kim Holderness (2024)


  • Ch 1: ADHD 101
  • Ch 2: Diagnosis
  • Ch 3: Inside the ADHD brain
    • all-in or completely off
    • dopamine
    • Great at paying attention, terrible at choosing what pay attention to
  • Ch 4: The ADHD experience
    • checklist
    • reorder if needed
    • immediate; set a time to discuss long-term
  • Ch 5: The emotional side of ADHD
    • full-body experiences
    • overwhelmed: flooded
      • don't want to flip out
  • Ch 6: You're going to be okay
    • Benefits: Creativity, hyperfocus, bold vision, intuition, determination
    • Downsides (manageable!): Inattention, impulsivity, hyperactivity
  • Ch 7: Facing your ADHD
    • Strategies to stay regulated
  • Ch 8: Operation Mindset Shift
    • This is the brain I've got. I can work with it. Maybe it's actually cool.
    • Impulsive -> Creative
    • Distractible -> Curious
    • Noncompliant -> Independent Thinker
  • Ch 9: The ADHD upsides for you
    • chocolate + peanut butter
    • hyperfocus
    • designing your own life
  • Ch 10: The ADHD Upsides for others
  • Ch 11: The Right Stuff
    • Meds help 80-90% of kids, 70% of adults.
    • Behavioral therapy helps too.
    • solve upstream problems
    • carrots, not sticks
  • Ch 12: Charge your battery
    • exercise, sleep, nutrition, connection, medication, meditation (try eyes open)
  • Ch 13: Master your daily routine
    • stash extras
    • 15-min reset
    • cargo pants/clothes
    • songs
    • follow the food
  • Ch 14: Control your environment
    • secure the perimeter from distractions
    • edit your space
    • get comfy
    • right-size stimulation
    • use visual stimulation
  • Ch 15: Get it done
    • meaning
    • checklist
    • breaks, timers
    • reward yourself
    • when it's hard, acknowledge and ask for help
  • Ch 16: How to be an ADHD whisperer
    • connect, don't correct
  • Ch 17: Parents and caretakers
    • Strengths-based
    • slow down, reduce demands
    • parent-training class
  • Ch 18: Taking care of caretakers
    • ADHD: explanation, not excuse
    • useful scripts
  • Ch 19: Listening
    • mine for gold
    • gamify

ADHD is Awesome (2024) by Penn and Kim Holderness is a practical, positive, easy-to-read book on living with ADHD.

I find ADHD-oriented tips useful. My brain is prone to misplacing things, going off on tangents, and having attentional hiccups. Organizing my life around following my interests and minimizing commitments helps me increase happiness and reduce stress. Sketchnotes help me focus on what I'm learning and provide visual stimulation in my notes, making them more fun for me to review and share. I don't stock extras of things in a cabinet, but I do keep an Oops fund so I don't have to beat myself up over mistakes that cost a little money. I don't wear cargo pants, but I do wear vests with lots of pockets, a habit I picked up from my dad. I'm still working on developing that 15-minute reset habit, and on seeing and doing something about clutter.

As for the kiddo, there's no getting A+ to do things she's not interested in, and there's no holding her back if she's focused on something. Tips for parenting kids with ADHD also seem to work well for her: breaks, timers, taking advantage of hyperfocus, avoiding shame. My job is to:

  • Practise connecting instead of correcting: Fretting at her doesn't accomplish anything. We work better when we feel connected.
  • Explore and model things that work for me: I can show her how I use sketchnotes, checklists, timers, breaks, curiosity, learning, experimentation, self-compassion… Also, taking care of my sleep/exercise/happiness makes it easier to be the kind of parent I want to be.
  • Help her learn how to figure things out for herself: I can help her navigate systems that aren't designed for her (like school) and figure out things that would work better for her.
  • Frame things positively: Finding positive ways to frame our quirks can help with both self-image and other people's perceptions (chapter 4). Focusing on our strengths works better than beating ourselves up for our weaknesses. We still want to work around our weaknesses so they don't limit us, but might be able to use our strengths to do that.

The Hypercuriosity Theory of ADHD (and the paper) is also a good read that's somewhat related.

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Old-school blogger

| blogging, writing

Text from sketch

Old-school blogger

[timeline showing different strands braided together]

I started blogging in 2001 (really, more like 2002), as a university student who had started playing around enjoyed learning out loud. Both blogging and Emacs continued through:

  • teaching computer science
  • going on a technical internship in Japan
  • taking up graduate studies
  • working at IBM
  • experimenting with consulting and semi-retirement
  • parenting

directly related to blogging: grad studies, working, experimenting

It's wonderful having such a long archive. I can trace my growth. I've changed a lot over the past 24 years. I miss being so optimistic and energetic, but who I am now and who I'm becoming are also okay.

[drawing of the butterfly life cycle]

  • caterpillar
  • chrysalis: We're in this messy stage where I digest myself and move my insides around
  • butterfly: maybe someday

Learning out loud by blogging:

  • Springboard: Writing as I learn means I can use my notes to pick up from where I left off.
  • Sometimes my notes help other people.
  • Sometimes people share what they've been learning.
  • Writing helps me gather my tribe.

Questions to explore:

  • What do I want to learn? How?
  • What's nearby?
  • What might be useful
    • to my future self
    • to others

Looking forward - I want to…

  • draw more. It's fun.
  • deepen my reflections.
  • learn more.
  • prepare so I can keep doing this.

How can I improve workflows for capturing/thinking/sharing/finding?

What can I do so I can keep learning and writing all my life? How can I get even better at it?

Dave Winer's looking for old school bloggers (also this) so that nudged me to think about how and why I blog.

Still writing

From How to Take Smart Notes (Sönke Ahrens):

If you want to learn something for the long run, you have to write it down. If you want to really understand something, you have to translate it into your own words.

Writing and sharing are part of how I learn. Taking notes helps me learn things that are bigger than my working memory or my uninterrupted time segments. Sharing my notes helps me find them again later on, since I can search the Internet from my phone. Also, if I share my notes, sometimes I get to learn from other people too, and sometimes my notes help people figure out stuff and then they can build on that.

It makes sense to me to share these notes on a blog on my own domain, with a chronological view and an RSS feed that makes it easier for other people to check for updates if they want. Well, some other people. I suppose RSS readers are still a fairly technical sort of thing, and I don't particularly like posting on platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn. Anyway, I'll just keep writing here, and maybe people will come across posts via search engines or figure out how to get updates however they want to.

Summarizing posts
(let* ((annotations '((2001 "university")
                      (2003 "graduated, teaching")
                      (2004 "internship in Japan")
                      (2005 "grad school")
                      (2007 "working at IBM")
                      (2008 "drawing")
                      (2012 "experiment with semi-retirement")
                      (2016 "A+ was born")
                      (2019 "EmacsConf, COVID-19")
                      (2022 "SuperNote A5X")
                      (2023 "even more EmacsConf automation")
                      (2024 "cargo bike")
                      (2025 "added iPad to the mix")))
       (json-array-type 'list)
       (json-object-type 'alist)
         (lambda (o) (cons (car o) (length (cdr o))))
          (lambda (o) (substring (alist-get 'date o) 0 4))
          (json-read-file "~/proj/static-blog/_site/blog/all/index.json")))))
   '(("Year" "Posts" "Note") hline)
    for i from 2001 to 2025
    (list (format "[[][%d]]"
          i i)
          (alist-get (number-to-string i) posts-by-year nil nil #'string=)
          (or (car (alist-get i annotations)) "")))))
Year Posts Note
2001 3 university
2002 31  
2003 869 graduated, teaching
2004 971 internship in Japan
2005 678 grad school
2006 877  
2007 510 working at IBM
2008 421 drawing
2009 452  
2010 399 Quantified Self
2011 397  
2012 361 experiment with semi-retirement
2013 359  
2014 339  
2015 251  
2016 141 A+ was born
2017 145  
2018 176  
2019 121 EmacsConf, COVID-19
2020 94  
2021 132  
2022 78 SuperNote A5X
2023 122 even more EmacsConf automation
2024 148 cargo bike
2025 49 added iPad to the mix

I don't see myself giving up these tools until I really can't use them any more. I'm keeping an eye out for assistive technology that might help me work around my limitations and the likely cognitive/physical decline I'll eventually run into. I'm encouraged by the fact that quite a few people manage to keep learning and writing even into their 80s and 90s.

Some weeks, Emacs News is all I can squeeze in: a long categorized list of links. When I have more time, I add little bits of code, drawings, reflections.

I love writing about little tweaks. Mostly that's about Emacs. I love the way I can shape it into something that fits me.

I like to summarize books and ideas as sketchnotes so that I have a chance of remembering what I want to learn from them. Also, the drawings are handy for sharing with others, and they're a way of giving back.

I'm slowly learning to write about life in a way that helps me learn more while respecting people's privacy. I like doing little experiments. Even tinier than the ones described in Tiny Experiments. Not "I will write 100 blog posts over the next 100 days," but rather, "What if I postpone fretting about A+'s homework until Saturday? What happens then?"

Writing workflow

After I get the kiddo through the morning routine and ready for virtual school, I usually play piano for about an hour or so. Then it's recess and some more hugs, and then I settle down for some writing or drawing. The weather is getting better, so I'm looking forward to moving some of that outside. Maybe I'll dust off those baby monitor apps so I can hear if A+ needs any help.

I mostly write on my laptop using Org Mode in Emacs. Org Mode is great for literate programming. I can mix my notes and my code however I like.

I don't write in a straightforward way. I jump around. I go on tangents and down rabbit-holes. It helps a little if I've sketched my thoughts beforehand, like for this post, or if I've done some audio braindumping to help me figure out where the interesting thoughts are. Sometimes I capture little thoughts on my phone and then move them to the post I'm working on. I'm trying to figure out how to chunk my thoughts better.

I have a lot of Emacs tweaks to make it easier to link to blog posts, bookmarks, sketches, sites from search results. I like including the text of sketches, too.

I use the 11ty static site generator to make my blog. I switched to it a few years ago because I didn't want to worry about keeping Wordpress secure. I don't have room for many programming languages in my brain at the moment, so I like the fact that 11ty uses JavaScript. It takes me about five minutes to compile my blog.

Reading workflow

From Dan Cullum: The more I read:

There is a strong correlation between the amount I’m reading, and the ideas I have for this blog. When I’m reading a lot, I feel like I have ideas coming out my eyes.

Reading makes me want to write, too.

I love the Toronto Public Library enough to transplant myself from the tropics and learn how to deal with winter. I've been reading more e-books lately. It's easier to highlight e-books compared to paper books. I can pick them up and put them down easily, and keep the pages open when I'm taking notes. I don't have to worry about misplacing them, either. I have some code to grab my highlights as a JSON, and then I can do things with them: include them in blog posts, add them to my personal notes, etc.

Not everything is available as an e-book, though, and sometimes the e-books have long hold times. Paper books are still handy enough.

I like reading blogs. They're much shorter than books are, and much less fluffy. Sometimes I feel like mainstream printed books have a lot of padding because of the considerations of the publishing industry: the book must be a certain size so it doesn't get lost on the bookstore shelf; the book must have a certain weight and thickness so people feel that it's worth $25. Blog posts can just get to the core of the idea instead of belabouring the point. I like the fractal density of hyperlinked text, too, and the conversational possibilities of it. It's a lot easier to bounce an idea back and forth to develop it when you can post in a day instead of waiting for a year for a book to be published.

I like reading on the new iPad. It's smaller than my laptop and bigger than my phone. It's easy to browse through blogs on it, unlike on my Supernote. I'm starting to develop a workflow for reading and writing smaller snippets: (toot)

  1. Read in NetNewsWire.
  2. Open interesting posts in Chrome on the iPad.
  3. Highlight the text.
  4. Use "Copy Link with Highlight".
  5. Tap on the selection again. Use "Share" to send it to Ice Cubes, a Mastodon client that can post to my GoToSocial instance and let me use my full post limit (5,000 characters, mwahahahaha).
  6. Paste the link into the toot, add my own thoughts, and post it.

I like linking to text fragments. Sharing from a webpage on my Android phone does this automatically. "Copy Highlight as Link" works from Chrome on the iPad. It saves people that little bit of scrolling or finding, although I suppose it would be helpful for people to go through the context before that selection. Alternatively, I could share directly from NetNewsWire and just link to the blog post instead of the text.

I like making visual book notes. They help me read a book well, and turning the sketch into a blog post gives me more opportunities to revisit it: when I write the post, and if someone comments or shares it.

Eventually I want to dust off my code for collecting Mastodon posts into a blog post, and maybe also re-establish a weekly review process.

Tangent: Check out Reading more blogs; Emacs Lisp: Listing blogs based on an OPML file for a table of the blogs I'm reading, along with the code I used to make a table of blogs, their latest post (as of the time I wrote my post, of course), and the post date.

Keeping an eye on the future

As the kiddo becomes more independent ("Mom, I'm 9, you don't have to fret about my jacket"), I'll have more time for myself. This is a good time to go bike and walk and explore outside, and to go deep and wide into our interests as a family. I do about 2-4 hours of consulting a week, just the stuff I'm interested in. (TODO: There's a tangent I want to write about interest-based nervous systems, which I notice in both A+ and myself, and probably building on this 2014 reflection on having a buffet of goals.) The rest is life time, divided among the things we want to learn/do/share and the things we do to take care of ourselves.

Even though I have increasing autonomy when it comes to time, and an increasing amount of focused time, I still haven't gotten to the bottom of my idea list or my to-write list. I don't think I'll ever get to the bottom of those lists, actually. I come up with ideas faster than I can do them. That's a good problem to have.

It makes sense to prepare for a couple of changes that will likely come up:

  • Age-related farsightedness: It'll probably get harder to read small text, and I might eventually need to juggle my regular glasses as well as reading glasses. (W- already does this occasionally. He prefers having different pairs of glasses instead of bifocals or progressives, and his reasons seem sound. I don't want to have to adopt different postures to see out of different zones of glasses.) Developing good workflows for reading will probably help here. Also, the cargo vests I wear will probably help me with the "Where are my glasses?" problem.
  • Menopause will probably rewire my brain a lot. I hear brain fog and tip-of-the-tongue can be challenging (see also Brain fog in menopause).
  • My mom is 79 and running into issues with cognitive and physical decline. She has a hard time typing, speaking, remembering, deciding, or feeling good. On the other hand, there are examples of people who have stayed sharp for decades. There are lots of factors that are beyond my control. Still, it would be nice to see if I can stack the deck a little. So yes to:
    • walks, bike rides, exercise, and maybe I can figure out a fun way to improve strength;
    • lots of learning and sharing and connecting
    • and experiments with technological and cognitive aids, like speech recognition to work around typing, text-to-speech interfaces to work around vision, notes to work around working memory, and maybe large language models to work around issues with recall.
    • … and I might as well learn Morse code or explore accessibility tools, just in case I'm limited to twitching cheek muscles or something like that.

The life expectancy at birth for the Philippines for women born in 1983 is ~65 years; in Canada, about ~80 years. I want to keep learning and writing and sharing for as many of those years as I can.

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Playing with chunk size when writing

| blogging, writing

How long is a blog post? Some people write short posts with one clear thought. Others write longer essays.

I tend to start out writing a short post and then get distracted by all the rabbit-holes I want to go down. Drafting my thoughts on blogging leads to adding lots of blogs to my reader, writing some code that takes an OPML and makes a table of blogs and their most recent posts, fixing the org-html-themes setup for my Emacs configuration, breaking out this chunk as its own post, drawing a bunch of mindmaps, doing a braindump, tweaking my workflow for processing braindumps to use faster-whisper and whisper-ctranslate2 instead of WhisperX because of this issue, so that I can try the whisper-large-v3-turbo model, experimenting with workflows for reviewing the PDF on the iPad… Definitely lots of yak-shaving (wiktionary definition). I still want to write that post. I already have the sketch I want to include in it. It's like Chilli in the Bluey episode Sticky Gecko (script): "The door: It is right here. All we need to do is walk out of it: it's so easy!" The thought! It's right there! Just get to it, brain! But I wander because I wonder. I suppose that's all right.

It might be fun to play around with the sizes of things I share: shorter when my attention is fragmented or squirrely, longer when I can think about something over several days or years. Here are some ways to tinker with that.

Breaking thoughts down into smaller chunks so I can get them out the door:

  • When I notice that something is a big blog post (like this reflection I've been working on about blogging), I can break out parts of it into their own blog posts and then replace that section with links.
  • I can post interesting quotes and snippets to Mastodon and then round them up periodically or refer to them in blog posts. TODO: It might be good to have a shortcut for an accessible link to a toot using a speech bubble or similar icon.

Taming my tangents and ideas: I'm sometimes envious of blogs with neat side notes, but really, I should just accept that the tangents that my mind wants to go on can take paragraphs and are more suited to, say, collapsible details or a different blog post. Something I can experiment with: instead of gallivanting off on that tangent (soo hard to resist when there's an idea for an Emacs tweak!), I can add a TODO and leave it for my future self. Maybe even two TODOs: one inline, where it makes sense in the text; and one in my Org Mode, with a link to the blog post so that I can go back and update it when (if!) I get around to it. Who knows, maybe someone might comment with something that already exists.

Saving scraps: It's easier to cut out half-fleshed-out ideas if I tell myself I'm just saving them somewhere. Right now I capture/refile them to a scraps heading, but there's probably a better way to handle this. Maybe I can post some thoughts to Mastodon and then save the toot URL. Maybe I can experiment with using Denote to manage private notes.

Connecting thoughts and building them up:

  • I tend to write in small chunks. (TODO: I could probably do some kind of word-count analysis, might be neat.) Sketchnotes and hyperlinks might help me chunk thoughts so I can think about bigger things. I can link to paragraphs and text fragments, so I can connect thoughts with other parts of thoughts instead of trying to get the granularity right the first time around. The shortcuts I made for linking to blog posts and searching the Web or my notes are starting to help.
  • I sporadically work on topic maps or indices. Maybe I'll gradually flesh them out into a digital garden / personal wiki.
  • Sometimes I don't remember the exact words I used. Probabilistic search or vector search might help here, too. I don't need an AI-generated summary, I just want a list of related posts.
  • I can figure out how to add backlinks to my blog, or simplify the workflow for adding links to previous posts. Maybe something based on this guide for 11ty or binyamin/eleventy-plugin-backlinks. I might need to write something custom anyway so that I can ignore the links coming from monthly/weekly review posts.

Connecting to other people's thoughts: For the purposes of conversation, it'll probably be good to let people know if I write something about their blog post. Doesn't happen automatically. Pingbacks and referrer logs got too swamped by spam a long time ago, so I don't think anyone really uses them. Idea: It might be neat to have something that quickly lists all the external links in a post, and maybe a way to save the e-mail addresses or Mastodon handles for people after I look them up so that I can make that even smoother, and some kind of quick template. I can send email and toot from within Emacs, so that's totally doable… (No, I am not going to write it right now, I'm going to add it to my to-do list.)

(Also, there's another thought here about books and The Great Conversation, and blogs and smaller-scale conversations, and William Thurston and mathematicians and understanding, and cafes…)

Hmm. I think that getting my brain to make smaller chunks and get them out the door will be a good thing to focus on. Synthesizing can come later.


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Reading more blogs; Emacs Lisp: Listing blogs based on an OPML file

| emacs, blogging

Nudged by Dave Winer's post about old-school bloggers and my now-nicely-synchronizing setup of NetNewsWire (iOS) and FreshRSS (web), I gave Claude AI this prompt to list bloggers (with the addition of "Please include URLs and short bios.") and had fun going through the list it produced. A number of people were no longer blogging (unreachable sites or inactive blogs), but I found a few that I wanted to add to my feed reader.

Here is my people.opml at the moment (slightly redacted, as I read my husband's blog as well). This list has some non-old-school bloggers as well and some sketchnoters, but that's fine. It's a very tiny slice of the awesomeness of the Internet out there, definitely not exhaustive, just a start. I've been adding more by trawling through and the occasional interesting post on

It makes sense to make an HTML version to make it easier for people to explore, like those old-fashioned blog rolls. Ooh, maybe some kind of table like, listing a recent item from each blog. (I am totally not surprised about my tendency to self-nerd-snipe with some kind of Emacs thing.) This uses my-opml-table and my-rss-get-entries, which I have just added to my Emacs configuration.

(defun my-opml-table (xml)
    (lambda (o)
      (let ((latest (car (condition-case nil (my-rss-get-entries (dom-attr o 'xmlUrl))
                           (error nil)))))
         (if latest
             (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d" (plist-get latest :date))
          (or (dom-attr o 'htmlUrl)
              (dom-attr o 'xmlUrl))
          (replace-regexp-in-string " *|" "" (dom-attr o 'text)))
         (if latest
              (plist-get latest :url)
              (or (plist-get latest :title) "(untitled)"))
     (lambda (o)
        (eq (dom-tag o) 'outline)
        (dom-attr o 'xmlUrl)
        (dom-attr o 'text)))))
   :key #'car
   :reverse t))

my-rss-get-entries: Return a list of the form ((:title … :url … :date …) …).
(defun my-rss-get-entries (url)
  "Return a list of the form ((:title ... :url ... :date ...) ...)."
  (with-current-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously url)
    (set-buffer-multibyte t)
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (when (re-search-forward "<\\?xml\\|<rss" nil t)
      (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
       (let* ((feed (xml-parse-region (point) (point-max)))
              (is-rss (> (length (xml-get-children (car feed) 'entry)) 0)))
         (if is-rss
              (lambda (entry)
                     (seq-filter (lambda (x) (string= (xml-get-attribute x 'rel) "alternate"))
                                 (xml-get-children entry 'link))
                     (xml-get-children entry 'link)))
                  (dom-text (dom-by-tag entry 'guid)))
                 (elt (car (xml-get-children entry 'title)) 2)
                 (date-to-time (elt (car (xml-get-children entry 'updated)) 2))))
              (xml-get-children (car feed) 'entry))
           (mapcar (lambda (entry)
                      (or (caddr (car (xml-get-children entry 'link)))
                          (dom-text (dom-by-tag entry 'guid)))
                      (caddr (car (xml-get-children entry 'title)))
                      (date-to-time (elt (car (xml-get-children entry 'pubDate)) 2))))
                   (xml-get-children (car (xml-get-children (car feed) 'channel)) 'item))))
       :key (lambda (o) (plist-get o :date))
       :lessp #'time-less-p
       :reverse t))))

(my-opml-table (xml-parse-file "~/Downloads/people.opml"))
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I'm rebuilding my feed list from scratch. I want to read more. I read the aggregated feeds at every week as part of preparing Emacs News. Maybe I'll go over the list of blogs I aggregate there, widen it to include all posts instead of just Emacs-specific ones, and see what resonates. Emacs people tend to be interesting. Here is an incomplete list based on people who've posted in the past two years or so, based on this work-in-progress planetemacslife-expanded.opml. (I haven't tweaked all the URLs yet. I stopped at around 2023 and made the rest of the elements xoutline instead of outline so that my code would skip them.)

(my-opml-table (xml-parse-file "~/Downloads/planetemacslife-expanded.opml"))
2025-03-19 Irreal The Power Of Isearch
2025-03-19 James Dyer Ollama-Buddy 0.9.8: Transient Menu, Model Managing, GGUF Import, fabric Prompts and History Editing
2025-03-19 Emacs Redux Relative Line Numbers
2025-03-19 Jeremy Friesen Crocus
2025-03-19 Michal Sapka I stopped writing alt-text to most images here
2025-03-18 Lars Ingebrigtsen WoRdPrEsS ReWrItEs My PoStS
2025-03-18 William Denton Art is the imposition of form on experience
2025-03-18 Will Schenk Knowledge Navigator
2025-03-17 Listful Andrew Hash tables look better in Emacs 30
2025-03-17 Sacha Chua Org Mode: Merge top-level items in an item list
2025-03-17 Protesilaos Stavrou On the Stoic harmony with nature
2025-03-17 Marcin Borkowski Bash script and passwords
2025-03-17 Christian Tietze NSPopover in NSTextView With Links Is Broken: Accessibility Hierarchy Slowdown
2025-03-17 TAONAW Mode (untitled)
2025-03-17 John D. Cook Lessons Learned With the Z3 SAT/SMT Solver
2025-03-16 Grant Rettke Interesting new gptel v0.9.8 features and commits since v0.9.7
2025-03-16 Magnus Using lens-aeson to implement FromJSON
2025-03-16 200ok Atomize: A Simple CLI Tool for Managing Atom Feeds
2025-03-16 Aimé Bertrand Raycast - Activate Entra Role via PIM with Graph
2025-03-15 Tim Heaney Ruth
2025-03-15 Susam Pal MathB 1.3.0
2025-03-14 Bozhidar Batsov Updating my toolbox: Ghostty and Fish
2025-03-14 Matt Maguire Japanese Electronic Dictionary (Casio XD-G9850)
2025-03-13 Alvaro Ramirez Journelly open for beta
2025-03-13 Charles Choi Announcing Casual Make
2025-03-13 Marie K. Ekeberg Pi Day 2025 - Let’s have fun with numbers!
2025-03-11 Eric MacAdie 2025-03 Austin Emacs Meetup
2025-03-11 Manuel Uberti A sense of belonging
2025-03-10 Norm XML Resolver updates
2025-03-09 Andrey Listopadov Dynamic font-lock for Fennel
2025-03-08 Arthur A. Gleckler Backup Sampling
2025-03-08 Alex Popescu TIL Succinct Data Structures
2025-03-07 Kisaragi Hiu Plasma: Avoiding having to type the login password again when first using Git / GPG
2025-03-07 The Emacs Cat Using Emacs Org Mode for Reproducibility Testing
2025-03-06 Mickey Petersen Replacing tmux and GNU screen with Emacs
2025-03-05 Amit Patel Emacs Tree-sitter custom highlighting, part 3
2025-03-05 Kris Carta My Delivery Sheet
2025-03-05 Ben Simon G's Baltimore Adventure - The USS Torsk
2025-03-02 Thanos Apollo Emacs Note Taking & Journaling using org-gnosis [Video]​
2025-03-02 But She's a Girl ZSA Voyager
2025-02-28 Mario Jason Braganza 2025
2025-02-28 Gijs Hillenius The bathwater of our 21st century
2025-02-25 James Cherti Toggling symbol highlighting in Emacs with unique colors for each symbol using built-in functions
2025-02-24 Peter J. Jones Automatic Theme Switching in Emacs
2025-02-24 Benjamin Slade C-c-c-conjecturing, and dealing with recursion in Emacs (more excursus)
2025-02-23 Ruslan Bekenev Emacs: glasses-mode
2025-02-23 J.e.r.e.m.y B.r.y.a.n.t Emacs 30.1 released including which-key
2025-02-23 Vineet Naik Premature automation
2025-02-22 Rahul Juliato Compiling Emacs 30.1 from the source on Debian
2025-02-22 Mark Tomczak Running Sandstorm From a Raid 1 Drive Array
2025-02-22 whatacold Rewrite of a Flask Web App in Clojure
2025-02-22 localauthor Ežerų Dugne
2025-02-18 Peter Povinec Speed Dialing Your Favorite Files
2025-02-18 Rodrigo Morales Compile zathura 0.5.11 in Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
2025-02-17 William Gallard Hatch Don't Ossify Defaults
2025-02-13 Anand Tamariya Emacs Font is wider
2025-02-13 yuri tricys Etymology: From Cupidity to Romance And Roses
2025-02-12 Erik L. Arneson maybe: A command-line tool that succeeds sometimes
2025-02-12 Luke Plant Christ the True and Better Frodo
2025-02-12 Unwound Stack Peppering Passwords in Rust
2025-02-08 Tory Anderson snippets that defy orgmode tangling
2025-02-08 Chris Maiorana From Emacs To Microsoft Word (And Beyond, Really)
2025-02-08 Anything goes PiZero OTG: Host or Peripheral
2025-02-03 Meta Redux Projectile Introduces Significant Caching Improvements
2025-02-02 Gene Goykhman Quickly summing up the whole stack in Emacs Calc
2025-02-02 Bz01 Using spritely hoot on nixos
2025-02-01 Jack Baty FYI: I have a new blog and RSS feed
2025-01-29 Tony Zorman Speeding up LaTeX compilation
2025-01-26 Arialdo Martini Emacs: a peek under Imenu’s hood
2025-01-25 Yi Tang Setup ssh-agent Systemd Service for Emacs
2025-01-23 punchagan Some useful Git configuration for Windows
2025-01-14 Srijan Choudhary 2025-01-15-001
2025-01-10 Isa Mert Gurbuz .emacs.d/.init.el
2025-01-07 Stefan van der Walt Pomodoros with org-timer
2025-01-03 Wai Hon Distinguish Repeated Tasks in Org Agenda
2025-01-01 Karthik Chikmagalur Tool use with gptel: looking for testers!
2024-12-21 Arne Bahlo My favorite things of 2024
2024-12-18 Maryanne Wachter Why is multithreading Selenium lousy on MacOS?
2024-12-13 Lambda Land What's New in Emacs: Last Decade Edition
2024-12-06 Jean-Christophe Helary Building "vanilla" emacs on macOS, with MacPorts, and more…
2024-11-21 JD Gonzales Kamal Tip - Private Network only Database Server
2024-11-15 Jonathan Lamothe Organizing My Life with org-mode
2024-11-14 Hristos N. Triantafillou Void Linux On A Framework Laptop: Two Years Later
2024-11-14 Hanno git-annex: Managing my most ancient data
2024-11-07 Ryan Rix Two Updates: Org+Nix dev streams, and my new DNS resolver
2024-11-03 Emacs Notes Enable completions for `Font Family’ field in `M-x customize-face RET’
2024-11-02 Ben Whitley Denote Project Tasks
2024-10-27 Andrea A useful function to contribute to Scala Metals lsp server with Emacs
2024-10-24 Summer Emacs ERC Flipping Buffers
2024-10-03 Jiewawa Useful Emacs commands for reading
2024-09-11 Sanel Zukan evil-mode in terminal without Alt/Meta
2024-09-08 Troy Hinckley What is the best pointer tagging method?
2024-08-16 Wiktor Gołgowski Org-roam: custom linking during capture
2024-08-14 Jonas Bernoulli Forge 0.4.0 and 0.4.1 released
2024-08-11 Nicolas Martyanoff Controlling link opening in Emacs
2024-07-31 T. V. Raman Emacspeak — A Speech Odyssey
2024-07-30 jao eww to org
2024-07-27 Peter Tillemans Refactoring Emacs Config using Org
2024-07-07 Timo Geusch If you get this error from Time Machine on Samba, check available disk space
2024-06-23 Peter Vágner Emacs A11y Tip #3: Emacs with speechd-el running on Termux for Android
2024-06-05 Zachary Kanfer Less: a Survival Guide
2024-05-23 Jürgen Hötzel Gnome Search Provider: Emacs Integration
2024-05-22 Gretzuni B/logroll
2024-05-14 Bryan Murdock How To Retroactively Annex Files Already in a Git Repo
2024-05-02 Evan Moses Home Assistant: using target in blueprints
2024-04-11 Emacs TIL The Night Before A Coding Interview
2024-03-26 M. Rincón Eat Evil
2024-02-12 Cameron Desautels Chinese Zodiac Time for Emacs
2024-01-19 Corwin Brust Emacs 29.2 Windows Binaries
2023-12-10 Alex Bennée A Systems Programmer's Perspectives on Generative AI
2023-12-09 Peter Prevos Writing Prose with Emacs
2023-12-05 Thomas Fitzsimmons Product Idea: CRT-alike OLED driver
2023-10-21 What the .emacs.d!? buffers.el-01
2023-08-16 Murilo Pereira I just made my first $1 on the internet!
2023-08-07 Phil Newton Updated Pocket highlights bookmarklet
2023-08-06 Shae Erisson How to use Private Storage on Android
2023-07-18 Phil Jackson Using Djblue's portal for tap in Babashka
2023-06-29 Jiacai Liu Embed git commit in Zig programs
2023-05-21 Fritz Grabo Introducing elfeed-webkit
2023-05-01 Tyler Smith Posts

Making this table was fun. It's nice to see a lot of people also writing and learning out loud. This reminded me a little of EmacsConf - 2020 - talks - Sharing blogs (and more) with org-webring. TODO: Could be fun to have a blogroll page again.

I notice I tend to like:

  • posts about adapting technology to personal interests, more than posts about the industry or generalizations
  • detailed posts about things I'm currently interested in (Emacs, personal knowledge management, some Javascript), more than detailed tech posts about things I've decided not to get into at the moment
  • "I" posts more than "You" posts: personal reflections rather than didactic advice
  • curiosity, fun, experimentation

Looking forward to discovering more!


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Org Mode: Merge top-level items in an item list

| org

I usually summarize Mastodon links, move them to my Emacs News Org file, and then categorize them. Today I accidentically categorized the links while they were still in my Mastodon buffer, so I had two lists with categories. I wanted to write some Emacs Lisp to merge sublists based on the top-level items. I could sort the list alphabetically with C-c ^ (org-sort) and then delete the redundant top-level item lines, but it's fun to tinker with Emacs Lisp.

Example input:

  • Topic A:
    • Item 1
    • Item 2
      • Item 2.1
  • Topic B:
    • Item 3
  • Topic A:
    • Item 4
      • Item 4.1

Example output:

  • Topic B:
    • Item 3
  • Topic A:
    • Item 1
    • Item 2
      • Item 2.1
    • Item 4
      • Item 4.1

The sorting doesn't particularly matter to me, but I want the things under Topic A to be combined. Someday it might be nice to recursively merge other entries (ex: if there's another "Topic A: - Item 2" subitem like "Item 2.2"), but I don't need that yet.

Anyway, we can parse the list with org-list-to-lisp (which can even delete the original list) and recreate it with org-list-to-org, so then it's a matter of transforming the data structure.

(defun my-org-merge-list-entries-at-point ()
  "Merge entries in a nested Org Mode list at point that have the same top-level item text."
    (let* ((list-indentation (save-excursion
                               (goto-char (caar (org-list-struct)))
           (list-struct (org-list-to-lisp t))
           (merged-list (my-org-merge-list-entries list-struct)))
      (insert (org-ascii--indent-string (org-list-to-org merged-list) list-indentation)

(defun my-org-merge-list-entries (list-struct)
  "Merge an Org list based on its top-level headings"
  (cons (car list-struct)
         (lambda (g)
            (car g)
            (let ((list-type (car (car (cdr (car (cdr g))))))
                  (entries (seq-mapcat #'cdar (mapcar #'cdr (cdr g)))))
              (apply #'append (list list-type) entries nil))))
         (seq-group-by #'car (cdr list-struct)))))

A couple of test cases:

(ert-deftest my-org-merge-list-entries ()
     '(unordered ("Topic B:" (unordered ("Item 3")))))
    '(unordered ("Topic B:" (unordered ("Item 3"))))))
     '(unordered ("Topic B:" (unordered ("Item 3")))
                 ("Topic A:"
                  (unordered ("Item 1")
                             ("Item 2"
                              (unordered ("Item 2.1")))))
                 ("Topic A:"
                   ("Item 4" (unordered ("Item 4.1")))))))
      ("Topic B:" (unordered ("Item 3")))
      ("Topic A:"
       (unordered ("Item 1")
                  ("Item 2" (unordered ("Item 2.1")))
                  ("Item 4" (unordered ("Item 4.1")))))))))
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2025-03-17 Emacs news

| emacs, emacs-news

Links from, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Mastodon #emacs, Bluesky #emacs, Hacker News,,,,,, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file, Emacs Calendar, and emacs-devel. Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at Thank you!

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Remove open Org Mode clock entries

| emacs, org

Pedro pointed out that I had some incomplete clock entries in my Emacs configuration. org-resolve-clocks prompts you for what to do with each open clock entry in your Org agenda files and whatever Org Mode files you have open.

If you don't feel like cancelling each clock with C, I also wrote this function to delete all open clocks in the current file.

(defun my-org-delete-open-clocks ()
    (zero-or-more space)
    (one-or-more space)
    (regexp org-ts-regexp-inactive)
    (zero-or-more space)
This is part of my Emacs configuration.
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