Weekly review: Week ending November 1, 2009
| weeklyPlans from last week:
- Work
- From plans:
Facilitate idea lab- Develop more training material. Slow going; have been working on Idea Lab things.
Connect with people throughout the organization
- Also:
- Filled in more details for my personal business commitments review
- Reviewed the report for a conference I helped organize
- Did some SecondLife training for an upcoming
- Did some awesome LotusScript + analytics hacking
- Attended Dan Roam’s terrific Back of the Napkin teleconference at IBM
- Renewed my social insurance number
- Did some preliminary analysis of Idea Lab results
- From plans:
- Relationships
- From plans:
Organize lunches with friendsTwo lunches planned for next week, semi-work-relatedPractice reaching out to my networkSent e-mail updates out to some people based on conversations
- Also:
- Helped J- with her costume
- Handed out candy for Halloween
- Got a great e-mail from my mom regarding small dreams
- From plans:
- Life
- From plans:
- Finish my skirt Almost there. Pinning up a hem took ages!
Delegate flyer review and menu planninghttps://sachachua.com/delegator/c/sacha/grocery- Create a simple animation Bought a Wacom Bamboo Pen and Touch, looking forward to drawing at work
- Also:
- Got back into the swing of reading and blogging (yay routines)
- Learned that I probably just need to get a business bank account if I want to do business under my own name
- Turned up the intensity of my biking to make it more exercise-y, yay
- From plans:
Plans for next week:
- Work
- Give talk on “Remote Presentations That Rock” (if you’re in IBM, ping me for details)
- Get my visa application sorted out
- Create community guide for training
- Organize handouts for training
- Relationships
- Tidy house and prepare lots of meals
- Help make house routines even smoother
- Life
- Finish my skirt and start on pants
- Clean up the back yard
- Wake up before 6 every day
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