Visualization of my blog categories

Posted: - Modified: | visualization, blogging, visual

This visualizes how often I blogged something with a tag in a given year, sorted by all-time popularity. There are more categories, but I skipped them. The height of each block represents how many blog posts I wrote in that category, while the different blocks represent the years, ending with 2010 at the far right. The graph reflects changing interests and recurring themes.


This visualizes some of the things I’ve been writing about in 2010. We’re only a month in, so the last line is pretty small, and in some cases (n < 4) not even visible.


Sparkline bar graphs created with Sparklines for Excel. Initial categories table created with the following SQL incantation:

select p.post_date, p.post_title, from wp_posts p inner join wp_term_relationships tr on inner join wp_term_taxonomy tt on tr.term_taxonomy_id=tt.term_taxonomy_id inner join wp_terms terms on tt.term_id=terms.term_id into outfile '/tmp/categories.csv';

then imported and tweaked in Microsoft Excel.

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