Weekly review: Week ending April 11, 2010
| weeklyFrom last week’s plans:
Plans for this week:
- [X] Follow up on Idea Lab
- [X] Update enablement plan
- [X] Follow up with executives regarding mentoring
- [-] Talk to more people about Canada, global, and growth market career options
- [-] Update social insurance number records
- Had great mentoring chat with Brian O’Donovan – weekly reviews and GTD are now part of his habits, yay! =)
- Attended GTD at IBM talk
- Helped Heather Fedash think about Web 2.0 options for her team
- Started putting together a list of large team challenges
- Learned about whiteboard selling; inspired to create material around Smarter Cities
- [X] Do taxes
- [X] Transplant bittermelon
- [X] Plant lettuce, spinach, bok choi – lettuce seedlings are beginning to come up! I’ll sew more next weekend
- [X] Plan garden sides
- Bought lumber for another garden box
- Planted onions and protected the bulbs with chicken wire
- Prepared 24 roast chicken lunch portions – should see us through the next two weeks!
- Watched a couple of movies with W- (yay library); also, lots of snarky movie reviews
- [-] Debug org-toodledo
- [-] Finish sewing top
- Drew some more =)
- Rejigged my envelope system (personal finance) and my spreadsheet
- Reviewed my high-level plan
- Took my own advice and started reading more webcomics, watching Youtube videos, etc. to learn more about storytelling
Plans for next week:
- [ ] Map team challenges to examples of groups doing well
- [ ] Install software needed to create Lotus Notes plugin for processing Idea Lab RSVPs
- [ ] Document best practices and processes for idea labs
- [ ] Follow up with team regarding enablement guide
- [ ] Work on Smarter Cities whiteboard story
- [ ] Update my social insurance number records
- [ ] Order two cubic yards of triple-mix for backyard raised bed
- [ ] Build raised bed and plant lettuce
- [ ] Plan tea party for end of April or mid-May
- [ ] Clear out more space in freezer
- [ ] Finish tops
- [ ] Post pictures of cooking adventures
- [ ] Follow up on missed Schedule 7
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