Weekly review: Week ending June 13, 2010

Posted: - Modified: | gardening, weekly
From Starred Photos

This weekend, I finished my finger joint jig (my very first!), bought my own workbench (a Black & Decker WorkMate 425), and made my finger-jointed box sides. Whee! It was a lot of fun working on the deck with W- and J-, routing my box while W- sawed the pieces for his chair and J- collected sawdust. Progress! I think we might be getting the hang of this.

I did a lot of gardening, too. I turned the compost twice, and it’s getting close to the right texture. Next weekend, I think I’ll build a sifter and shake out the twigs so that I can use the compost to feed the strawberries, tomatoes, and peas, all of which are doing quite well. I revamped the back planter box and planted some more lettuce, and I planted jalapeno peppers along the path. Gardening is a great way to get more greens into our diet, and I’m looking forward to more harvests. Next time, I’ll be more consistent with succession planting. Just because you’re swimming in lettuce one week doesn’t mean you can skip planting the lettuce you’ll harvest in a few weeks’ time. =)

From last week’s plans:


  • [  ] Update Idea Lab guide
  • [X] Give talk on Idea Labs
  • Added more Smarter Planet experts to my list
  • Gave students advice
  • Worked on Lotus Connections Java library, stuck on multipart/related PUT
  • Helped HR person with mail merge


  • [  ] Check out more photographers
  • [  ] Catch up with Maira Bay de Souza and Leigh Honeywell at hacklab.to
  • [X] Finish box joint jig
  • [X] Make box-jointed box
  • [  ] Finish influence map stories
  • Set up my own work bench
  • Went to science fair, yay!
  • Attended U of T lab potluck
  • Lent J- shoes (she’s growing up so fast!)


  • [X] Set up new webserver
  • [X] Take it easy
  • Made a pair of Thai fisherman’s pants
  • Planted hot peppers

Plans for next week:


  • [  ] Update Idea Lab moderator guide
  • [  ] Import Smarter Planet experts into expertise locator tool
  • [  ] Create expertise locator batch importer tool
  • [  ] Create Activity set-up tool
  • [  ] Lead team enablement call
  • [  ] Plug into other expertise location initiatives


  • [  ] Apply for marriage licence
  • [  ] Check out more photographers
  • [  ] Catch up with Maira Bay de Souza and Leigh Honeywell at hacklab.to
  • [  ] Finish influence map stories
  • [  ] Make box bottom and top


  • [  ] Figure out proper configuration for php-fastcgi
  • [  ] Convert more planting space
  • [  ] Bike during sunny days
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