Troubleshooting my Lotus Notes 8.5.2, Expeditor 6.2, and Eclipse 3.4 setup

| development, geek, ibm, lotus

SCHEDULED: 2010-07-21 Wed 08:00

To paraphrase Edison: I wasn't failing, I was just figuring out a thousand ways that didn't work. =)


Summary of troubleshooting lessons learned for Lotus Notes 8.5.2, Expeditor 6.2, and Eclipse 3.4:

org.eclipse.equinox.common problems when installing Expeditor Make sure you have the version of Eclipse that matches your Expeditor's system requirements (not a newer version, not an older version). For Expeditor 6.2, you'll need Eclipse 3.4.

Problem occurred reading your Target. Ensure that your Target Platform's Location is configured correctly. Set it to c:\notes\framework\rcp\eclipse, or wherever your rcp\eclipse directory is. If you still get the error, tinker around a little or wait a while. I don't remember what I did to solve this.

Bundle not found. Ignore that. You're supposed to be able to correct that issue by right-clicking on the project, selecting Properties > Client Services, and clicking OK, but no luck. It doesn't stop the system from moving forward, though. error or java.lang.SecurityException: Unable to locate a login configuration: *Enable all the features and be patient.


I've been working on getting a Lotus Notes + Eclipse development environment so that I can make a Lotus Notes plugin for my community tools. There's a lot of interest in the community metrics tool, for starters.

The challenge with setting up development environments is getting all the versions to line up with the tutorials on the Net. I came across a page that described how to set up Lotus Notes 8.5.1 with the Eclipse Plugin Development Environment (PDE). I was on a newer version of Eclipse, so I needed to figure out a couple of the steps, and I eventually ran into a security exception with login configurations.

Along the way, I came across Lotus Expeditor and decided I wanted to try that. I saw an old article that said Expeditor only works with Eclipse 3.2.2 and not the newer versions, so I installed that, but it had problems trying to find Then I found out that I had a newer version of Expeditor which requires Eclipse 4.0. When I installed that, Expeditor installed fine.

Lesson learned: Look up the version of the toolkit you're using. Look up the specific software requirements for that version. Match it instead of using newer versions.

Hmm. New error: Problem occurred reading your Target. Ensure that your Target Platform's Location is configured correctly. I have it set to c:\notes\framework\rcp\eclipse. It won't accept c:\notes\framework\eclipse . Hmm. It works now. I don't know what I did, though.

I'm running into the error again. Let's try reloading those. They show up in the plugin list for the run configuration, though. Ah. Selecting another plugin that depends on that plugin might've done the trick.

There's a note about Bundle not found. was removed in Lotus Expeditor 6.2.0. You're supposed to be able to correct that issue by right-clicking on the project, selecting Properties > Client Services, and clicking OK, but no luck. It doesn't stop the system from moving forward, though.

… and we're back at the java.lang.SecurityException: Unable to locate a login configuration which I encountered this morning.

Okay. What do I know about this error?

  • Maybe I've configured the wrong JVM.
  • Maybe the JVM can't find lib/security/ .
  • Maybe there isn't one by default in Notes, so I have to create it.
  • Maybe the classes aren't in the classpath.

Aha! Found someone with the same error message, but in a different language. The person reported that checking all the boxes in the plugin tab helped. Let's try running it with all the features enabled (oh my). Lots of warnings, but still going… And there's the Lotus Notes login dialog, and the sample QuickNote plugin. I think we have it!

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