Week ending September 26, 2010
Posted: - Modified: | weeklyFrom last week's plans
- Work
- [X] Support Classroom to Client: Collect lessons learned and revise material
- [C] Build Connections Toolkit: Add export to plugin
- [-] Build Connections Toolkit: Track down a couple of bugs
- [X] Organize Idea Labs: Finalize invitation for E.S. Idea Lab
- [X] Build career: Co-present "Leading Innovation" at Showcase Ontario
- Updated Connections Toolkit to work with exporting members from ibm.com/communities
- Created step-by-step instructions for using Connections Toolkit to list members
- Walked Marian Friedman through using my RSVP summarization script
- Walked Richard Mound and Jenna Goldstein through reporting tool for community members
- Relationships
- [X] Plan wedding: Consider fixing front garden – nah, it will be fine
- [X] Plan wedding: Clear stuff to throw / donate
- [X] Plan wedding: Confirm all travel details
- Had great mentoring chat with Cate Huston
- Life
- [X] Improve productivity: Apply rhetorical principles to blogging
- Wrote more than 6,800 words by Friday – new flow working well
Plans for next week
- Work
- [ ] Organize Idea Labs: Run report for external Idea Lab
- Take a break!
- Relationships
- [ ] Plan wedding: Get married!
- [ ] Plan wedding: Host barbecue reception for lunch/afternoon
- [ ] Plan wedding: Take family to Niagara falls
- Life
- [ ] Stay sane =)
Blog posts this week
- How to be dispensable, and why you should document and automate yourself out of a job
- New note-taking workflow with Emacs Org-mode
- Old notes on staffing a virtual conference booth
- Rhetoric
- Tips from remote workers
- What can I do to help make the world more equitable?
- Week ending September 19, 2010
Elsewhere on the Internet
sachac: @alanlepo 200 people is an older startup, though. ;) I'm thinking tiny. (Sat, Sep 25, 2010)
sachac: #FF my first five followers when I joined in Feb 2007: @matthewburpee @gabrielmansour @Minger @clothbot @thomasknoll http://bit.ly/first5 (Fri, Sep 24, 2010)
sachac: @counti8 @CatherineOmega Oh, that sounds like a classic application for “Waiting For” in GTD – pick any GTD-happy tool. (Fri, Sep 24, 2010)
“Chance Favors the Connected Mind” [Video] (Fri, Sep 24, 2010)
sachac: Most of the cool Gen Yers I know who might be thinking about Enterprise 2.0 / collaboration are working in startups. Hmm. (Fri, Sep 24, 2010)
sachac: @TaniaSam Hope you feel better soon! Have plenty of chicken soup. (Fri, Sep 24, 2010)
The Best-Kept Secret to Frugal Living (Fri, Sep 24, 2010)
Applying The Fisch Flip To Your Conference Model (Fri, Sep 24, 2010)
sachac: RT @johannabragge: Analyzing informal networks RT @EskoKilpi MIT Sloan: The Collaborative Organization http://bit.ly/cxmFt9 (Fri, Sep 24, 2010)
The Collaborative Organization: How to Make Employee Networks Really Work – The Magazine – MIT Sloan Management Review (Fri, Sep 24, 2010)
13 Books Well Worth Reading: The Cream of the Book Review Crop (Thu, Sep 23, 2010)
sachac: @ian_g Oh, thanks! I didn't see 12-passenger vans on their website, but since you told me they had them, I asked their customer service. (Thu, Sep 23, 2010)
On Leadership (Thu, Sep 23, 2010)
Latest Happenings in the QS World (Wed, Sep 22, 2010)
Junction v1.05 (Wed, Sep 22, 2010)
sachac: Autumnal equinox and super harvest moon tonight, apparently. Enjoy, Northern Hemispherers! #fb (Wed, Sep 22, 2010)
sachac: @andypiper Of course! @belgort @jrobichaux you should totally interview @andypiper for awesome Lotus evangelism with an English accent ;) (Wed, Sep 22, 2010)
sachac: @ian_g Good idea! Pity they don't stock 12-passenger vans, though… (Wed, Sep 22, 2010)
sachac: @andypiper
You don't need a podcast to know that @lbenitez and I like Connections… ;) (Wed, Sep 22, 2010)sachac: @blm849 Thanks! But no 12-passenger vans at Hertz, it seems. (Wed, Sep 22, 2010)
What are we working for, really? (Wed, Sep 22, 2010)
sachac: Considering renting van from Zoom Rent-a-Car. Mixed reviews on Internet, but hard to tell what's real. Go for it, or run away screaming? #fb (Wed, Sep 22, 2010)
The Myth of the Exceptional Life (Tue, Sep 21, 2010)
Hyperbole and a Half: This is Why I'll Never be an Adult (Tue, Sep 21, 2010)
Starwood Hotels Explore Second Life First (Tue, Sep 21, 2010)
Niagara Falls to Niagara-on-the-Lake – Road biking trip – Everytrail (Tue, Sep 21, 2010)
Mac's Bikes – Bike Rentals and Tours Niagara Falls (Tue, Sep 21, 2010)
MIT OpenCourseWare | Writing and Humanistic Studies | 21W.747-1 Rhetoric, Spring 2006 | Home (Tue, Sep 21, 2010)
sachac: @kittenthebad Oh, yeah, Northstar… =) @lbenitez has more info on that too, I think! (Tue, Sep 21, 2010)
Comparison of Average Moving Cost Estimates for Different Methods (Tue, Sep 21, 2010)
Runtime Error on Opening Files (Mon, Sep 20, 2010)
How To Go From Idea To Launching With Paying Customers In 8 Steps | Jason L. Baptiste (Mon, Sep 20, 2010)
Review: The Checklist Manifesto (Sun, Sep 19, 2010)
How to change Data Execution Prevention (DEP) settings in Windows 7? (Sat, Sep 18, 2010)
sachac: @researchgoddess *boggle* Watch the Ikea kitty ad instead. It'll make you feel better. =) (Sat, Sep 18, 2010)
sachac: Love how W responds to interpersonal conflict by learning more about rhetoric through books, Internet, and conversations. _So_ marrying him! (Sat, Sep 18, 2010)
sachac: @david_hay @hex_cargo E2.0 is how I plug into the brains of many, many people smarter than I am. =) (Sat, Sep 18, 2010)
sachac: @belgort
After all, we've already put the work into it, so we might as well make it more searchable. (Sat, Sep 18, 2010)sachac: @gilsaints88 @blm849 I decided to bike home anyway. The skirt had two layers and it was still warm out, so I wasn't too worried. =) (Sat, Sep 18, 2010)
sachac: Oh dear, restroom's closed. I'll have to bike home in my office clothes instead of changing into bikewear. What would Superman do? (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
sachac: @belgort How about I make up for smackdown by mostly de-umming podcast? ;) http://j.mp/aybTw3 Six minutes shaved off. Transcript to follow. (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
sachac: @BilalJaffery Organizational memory and collaboration software for connectedness. (Extra myelin, thanks!) @roonoid @creckling @lbenitez (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
sachac: @roonoid @creckling @lbenitez Unless you're referring to, say, obsolete procedures and tools we do want people to forget. =) (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
sachac: @roonoid @creckling @lbenitez But that's part of who we are and helps us shape how we're going to do things (or not) in the future. =) (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
The $3 iPad (or Other Tablet) Wall Mount [Clever Uses] (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
sachac: Awwww, the @torontolibrary stocks @rawn's awesome book “Social Networking for Business”. Yay IBMer! =D (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
sachac: @kittenthebad Fascinating! Liz Wiseman came out with a book called “Multipliers: how the best leaders make everyone smarter”. (2010) (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
sachac: @counti8 Awww. =) @remarkk Don't think of your blog. Take notes while you make things happen, and then post notes that might help others. (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
sachac: @trondareutle I like “collaboration evangelist” more than “tech evangelist” or “Enterprise 2.0 evangelist”. Thanks for the idea! =) (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
sachac: @trondareutle Enterprise 2.0 evangelist on IBM card. Tech evangelist, storyteller, geek on my extra card and on my internal/external blogs (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
sachac: @jrobichaux I've been thinking about adding “toolsmith” to that, possibly replacing/clarifying “geek”. =) (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
sachac: @jrobichaux Thanks for nsftools! =) (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
sachac: Evangelizing Lotus Connections with @lbenitez, @belgort, @jrobichaux and me 37:35 http://planetlotus.org/743e12 #lotusconnections #ibm (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
Nil by mouth – Roger Ebert's Journal (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
sachac: @belgort Have a nap. You deserve it. =) (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
sachac: #FF Lotus geeks: @lbenitez @belgort @jrobichaux @notessensei @alanlepo =) (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
sachac: @belgort Yes! And @jrobichaux too! =) (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
sachac: @lbenitez I should develop a radio voice too! (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
sachac: @kittenthebad Exponential value for the win. =) (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
sachac: Had tons of fun recording Taking Notes podcast with @belgort and @lbenitez =) @curiousmitch You'll like it! (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
Puño’s TEDx Madrid Sketchboards (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
sachac: @belgort Just sent you background for podcast tomorrow, in case you find that useful for asking questions and exploring conversation threads (Fri, Sep 17, 2010)
Ruth Bader Ginsburg shows how feminism is done. Again. – By Dahlia Lithwick – Slate Magazine (Thu, Sep 16, 2010)
sachac: Like @kittenthebad's take on dealing with difficult people, being dispensable: http://catehuston.com/blog/2010/09/14/being-dispensable . =) (Thu, Sep 16, 2010)
All Us Christensens: Sweet nothings (Thu, Sep 16, 2010)
sachac: @kittenthebad Thanks for sharing it with others! Getting better at realizing what I'm not hearing or reading. (Thu, Sep 16, 2010)
sachac: Toronto Startup Wknd Sept 24-26: @leilaboujnane and other cool speakers. toronto.startupweekend.org Not going, but looks like fun! (Thu, Sep 16, 2010)
One Life Japan: Experience the Japan Countryside by Bike and Foot (Thu, Sep 16, 2010)
The Diarists' Art (Thu, Sep 16, 2010)
Sweet nothings (Wed, Sep 15, 2010)
findutils – GNU Project – Free Software Foundation (FSF) (Tue, Sep 14, 2010)
Being Dispensable (Tue, Sep 14, 2010)
sachac: @twitteratti It's fun watching geeks of different persuasions. (Tue, Sep 14, 2010)
sachac: @BilalJaffery My sister cooks by feel. She makes awesome stuff, but you have to enjoy it then, as it's probably never going to happen again. (Tue, Sep 14, 2010)
sachac: @blm849 I lack the experience to make up for a lack of intuition, so I have to follow the craft approach for now. =) (Tue, Sep 14, 2010)
sachac: @trajano @gilsaints88 Tried disabling all the firewalls. Still no joy. Oh well! Will put XAMPP on the XP comp instead, as I can access it. (Tue, Sep 14, 2010)
sachac: Okay. @gabrielmansour @lindaristevski and other awesome people. Snakes and Lattes. Friday? Help me keep sane during wedding planning. =) (Tue, Sep 14, 2010)
sachac: @blm849 There's an interesting distinction between people who enjoy cooking with recipes and people who cook without them. (Tue, Sep 14, 2010)
Blog U.: Naming Assumptions – University of Venus – Inside Higher Ed (Tue, Sep 14, 2010)
“You just need to get started” is bad advice (Tue, Sep 14, 2010)
Removing [nid:n] in nodereference autocomplete – Stack Overflow (Mon, Sep 13, 2010)
sachac: @belgort @lbenitez I'm sachachua83, and I'm in EDT. (Mon, Sep 13, 2010)
sachac: Grr, can ping Linux -> XP, Linux -> Win 7, and Win 7 -> Win XP, but can't ping Win XP -> Linux. #fb (Mon, Sep 13, 2010)
Creating a Compound Field Module for CCK in Drupal 6.x | Poplar ProductivityWare | (Mon, Sep 13, 2010)
sachac: @lbenitez @belgort Sure, sounds good. Sep 17? (Mon, Sep 13, 2010)
sachac: So happy. =) People ask, “Where's the wiki so we can share files?” (They mean Activities.) I think it's starting to become expected. (Mon, Sep 13, 2010)
Baumkuchen (Mon, Sep 13, 2010)
Barbecue on a Budget: Throw a Cook-Out for 20 for Under $120 | TradingMarkets.com (Sun, Sep 12, 2010)
sachac: @hypatiadotca Happy to drop them off at the HackLab open house if Tuesday's not rainy. =) With jam, too, for toast and stuff! (Sat, Sep 11, 2010)
sachac: #FF @lindaristevski @ian_g @blm849 @skemsley @taniasam @hypatiadotca @hilarity_ensues @accordionguy @ianirving and other friends in Toronto (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
sachac: @mikesansone Thanks for the #FF! =) (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
sachac: @hypatiadotca All win belong to you. =) Have you decided re location? Want jalapeno peppers? Our garden overfloweth, but not enough to can. (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
IKEA Lets 100 Cats Loose in Store – TIME NewsFeed (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
Ikea Happy Inside Cats Video (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
sachac: @blm849 Oh, absolutely. =) Lies, damned lies, and statistics, and all that. ;) (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
sachac: Ikea cat ad makes me feel happy inside: http://vodpod.com/watch/4408918-ikea-happy-inside-cats (more home-like than cookies baking in oven) (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
8 recommended books on visual thinking (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
For every site a make file (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
sachac: @lbenitez Good luck! I think the #ibmexperience is awesome. =) (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
sachac: @jamiemcquay Congratulations! May you have many more anniversaries to come. =) (Fri, Sep 10, 2010)
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