Learning from my mood data

| geek, quantified

One of the unexpected benefits of switching my phone plan to something that includes unlimited international texting is that I can participate in nifty things like Experimonth, which is a month-long study about moods. I get regular text messages prompting me to rate my happiness on a scale of 1-10, and it graphs it for me. I can probably come up with similar graphs using KeepTrack and a bit of spreadsheet magic, but the convenience and the social data make this fun and interesting.

Here’s how my mood data stacks up so far:


I stay on a fairly even keel, with awesome happy experiences possibly any day of the week. Hmm, maybe I should track text notes too, so I can get a better handle on what causes the 10s or the 6s. It might also be interesting to combine the happiness ratings with my time analyses to see if there any correlations.

Here are the results they’ve collected so far:

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