Weekly review: Weeks ending May 20, 2011 and May 27, 2011
| weeklyThings have been a little hectic around here. =)
Over the past two weeks
- Work
Conduct training for project I in Colorado[X]
Keep an eye on project M[X]
Sort out upcoming projects[X]
Prepare for social media / Gen Y talk for client D- Booked flight to New York
- Biked to the office twice
- Presented “Mentoring on the Network” to 50 IBMers
- Relationships
Catch up on mail[X]
Write more about Netherlands trip[X]
Plant more herbs and greens – basil basil basil basil[X]
Make bagels- Helped hem J-‘s pants – made a hair bow, ribbon, and brooch from the scraps
- Life
Set aside writing time while on business trip, and actually write[X]
Think about what I want to learn next – more sewing projects?- Found out what happens when you miss a plane (world does not end)
- Lots of gardening! Redid front yard as a tea garden
Plans for next week
- Work
[ ]
Finish Gen Y/Gen C presentation[ ]
Get started on project M[ ]
Wrap up on project C
- Relationships
Help J- with homework[X]
Make cute cat soap holder
- Life
[ ]
Fix this calendar bug: what can I do to make it easier to remember events and tasks?[ ]
Draw a presentation-style thing for myself =)
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