Monthly reviews: April and May 2011
| monthlyTime flies! Travel throws me a little off track when it comes to reviewing, but that’s okay – I’m back on the ground and will probably stay home for at least the next little while.
Based on March’s plans:
Get a good prototype together for project C[X]
Get the paperwork in place for project M[X]
Prepare for training on project I[X]
Help with other work[X]
Assist with “Get Social, Do Business”
Put together more study group resources[-]
Practise driving – eep![X]
Prepare for May trip
Start garden[X]
Write and draw a lot[X]
Focus discretionary time on plans and experiments
Mostly there, except for the driving bit! I may just register for classes again, or set up a training schedule with W- and stick with it. But it’s summer and I’d much rather bike than sit in a car. Excuses, excuses… =)
Here’s what went on in April and May:
April: Started learning Latin. Worked on Ruby on Rails project (yay!). Gave a presentation on training. Helped with math study group sessions. Sewed a dress.
May: Celebrated my sister’s wedding in the Netherlands! Wore the red dress I made. =D Started the garden. Deployed a PHP site and conducted training in Colorado. Started with community-supported agriculture. Shifted to eating lots of salad and vegetables. Lots of learning. Some sewing, too.
My favourite posts:
- Learning from Mr. Collins: Practice, conversation, and what to do when someone says something mean
- Developing a workflow with Autodesk Sketchbook Pro
- Notes from the airport: Missed my flight; not the end of the world after all
- Presentation draft: Mentoring on the Network
- Travel updates: GPS, Pearl Street, Vibram toe shoes
- Finding the bright side of business travel
- Back from the Netherlands
- Tweaking married life for everyday happiness
- Giving a presentation using Autodesk Sketchbook Pro and a web conference
How do I want June to add to my life?
I’m looking forward to lots of gardening, lots of biking, and lots of fruits and vegetables. Some of my friends are getting married – hooray! Work is ramping up, too. Back on the development track, making useful websites… Yay!