Weekly review: Week ending June 11, 2011
| review, weeklyFrom last week’s plans
- Work
Get priorities and development responsibilities sorted out for project M[X]
Continue working on development for project M[X]
Bike to work to discuss project M with the information architect- Did some more troubleshooting for project I
- Shared more Drupal tips
- Attended Democamp
- Discussed Idea Labs with ibm.com/communities
- Hacked together Profiles summary tool for Darrel Rader
- Set up continuous integration with Jenkins, yay!
- Relationships
Watch “Thor” with Maira and Scott[X]
Prepare some meals in advance[X]
Review short-term plans- [/] Prepare lots of salad
Pick up summer share CSA box- [/] Make a list of summer meals
- Sewed stuff sack for J-
- Worked on Latin homework with W-
- Hung out with Gabriel Mansour and
- Experimenting with doing more chores on Friday (laundry, compost, etc.)
- Life
Go on group bike ride (High Park to Port Credit)- [/] Write about scenarios/planning
- Watched X-Men: First Class
- Posted Democamp sketchnotes, revised sketch
- Biked a lot, yay!
- Took pictures of garden
Plans for next week
- Work
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Get started on development with Snake Hill for project M
- Relationships
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Attend Linda and Tim’s wedding[ ]
Make pesto[ ]
Maybe join Bells on Bloor?
- Life
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Put in drip irrigation system
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