Weekly review: Week ending June 25, 2011
| review, weeklyFrom last week’s presentation
- Work
Smooth out session creation form for project M[-]
Work on Generation C and banking presentation
- Relationships
Attend Linda and Tim’s wedding[-]
Organize get-together- Gave Gabriel advice
- Helped J- learn more about persuasion
- Bought Portal 2
- Life
Join Bells on Bloor[X]
Harvest compost[X]
Spread compost in front garden[-]
Type in five chapters of Latin[X]
Have soup and salad every day in order to try to make a dent in the lettuce- Made strawberry and rhubarb tarts
- Made lots of salad
- Reviewed old blog posts
- Blogged more pictures
- Returned webcam
Plans for next week
- Work
[ ]
Visit client U to help with Drupal[ ]
Work on user registration and profile editing for project M[ ]
Help team members on board for project M
- Relationships
[ ]
Organize get-together?
- Life
[ ]
Sleep earlier
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