Weekly review: Two weeks ending July 9, 2011
| review, weeklyAh, holiday weekends. Forgot to do my review last week. =)
From the other week’s plans
- Work
Visit client U to help with Drupal[X]
Work on user registration and profile editing for project M[X]
Help team members on board for project M- Also worked on project C – more small improvements
- Got lots of stuff done for project M
- Applied Drupal theme from design company
- Relationships
- [/] Organize get-together? Tentatively planned for July 15
- Biked along Humber trail with Maira and Scott
- Helped J- with homework and summer planning
- Started drawing exercises with W- and J-
- Got back into Latin
- Answered blog questions
- Hung out with in-laws and J-‘s friends’ parents
- Checked out Free Geek as a possible volunteer opportunity; looks interesting
- Life
Sleep earlier: Ah, Portal- Organized my files
- Backed up my photos
Plans for next week
- Work
[ ]
Project M: Tidy up user registration, get clients to start testing[ ]
Project M: Implement more reports
- Relationships
[ ]
Host get-together[ ]
Help mount new cabinets[ ]
Work on inventory app for mom
- Life
[ ]
Do some more gardening
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