Weekly review: Week ending July 31, 2011
| review, weeklyI thought I’d feel guilty about being on holiday while other people on my team – clients and IBMers in the US – are working, but it’s been a weekend well spent, and the Civic Day holiday will be a much-welcome transition period (plus a chance for more awesomeness).
In addition to taking care of our usual chores, we spent Saturday volunteering at Free Geek Toronto. The idea behind Free Geek Toronto is simple: help people learn computer skills and reduce electronic waste by refurbishing or recycling old computers, which can then be sold at a low cost or donated. They really need people to teach classes on how to build computers, so W- and I will start a series of classes next week.
Sunday was a kitchen sort of day. We took the pots and food containers out of the cabinets, separating them into keep-donate-repurpose piles. We reorganized the salad fixings and the spices. We emptied the chest freezer and the fridge freezer, separating different kinds of items using cloth and plastic bags: vegetables in the green bag, meat in the red, and so on. Then a big batch of cooking: two roast chickens stuffed with couscous for lunches throughout the next few weeks, stir-fried rice to use up leftovers. I’ll try scalloped potatoes and oatmeal cookies again sometime – more practice needed. Now we’re staying up late for baked beans, which will finish cooking at around 2.
Tired, but it’s a great sort of tired.
- Work
Get Project M ready for user testing[X]
Work on scoping project T- Bounced around ideas for an IBM comic
- Put together update for my manager
- Relationships
Help people connect with each other regarding Manila Zoo- Volunteered with W- at Free Geek Toronto
- Worked on cleaning up kitchen
- Attended Quantified Self meetup
- Life
Practise piano – 30-60 minutes daily- Got back into the swing of drawing – sketchnotes, drawing for fun
- Work
[ ]
Send mid-year update to manager[ ]
Work on Project M issues/requests
- Relationships
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Work on Latin – 30 minutes daily[ ]
Help J- with piano
- Life
[ ]
Practise piano – 30 minutes daily[ ]
Draw – also 30 minutes daily[ ]
Track a complete week of time