Weekly review: Weeks ending October 7 and October 14, 2011
| review, weeklyWe’ve just come back from a short trip to the Philippines (Oct 5 – Oct 15) where we celebrated my sister’s wedding. It was a lot of fun, and I can’t wait to see how life unfolds. W- and J- took practically all the pictures, so I’ll post them and stories from the trip as we get things sorted out.
From the other week’s plans
- Work
Tidy up more project T issues – partially complete, more work to be done next week[X]
Import data for project O- Filled out new computer form, yay! Looking
- Found SME for prjoect T, briefed on project
- Relationships
Celebrate anniversary – dinner at Dr. Generosity[X]
Spend time with family
- Life
- [C] Delegate blog-checking to virtual assistant – Cancelled, not needed
Add library pickup check – Not yet implemented- Added clothing analysis to home dashboard
Plans for next week
- Work
[ ]
Project T: Catch up on tasks, prepare for launch[ ]
Project O: Catch up on work, set up integration server[ ]
Project I: Follow up on SQL Server configuration[ ]
Pick up new computer, replacement badge?
- Relationships
[ ]
Help J catch up with school[ ]
Share stories from trip[ ]
Catch up with laundry[ ]
Catch up with blog comments and email[ ]
Go to Quantified Self Toronto meetup (Friday)[ ]
Go to secondary schol info night
- Life
[ ]
Take it (relatively) easy
Time analysis
Vacation threw my schedule out of whack, in the best way possible. Timezones confused my time-tracking thing, too. So, no pretty graphs this week!
Jet-lag assisted days, once things settled down:
Day | Woke up | Slept | Waking hours | Slept |
2011-10-07 | 5:44 AM | 11:23 PM | 17.65 | 6.35 |
2011-10-08 | 7:30 AM | 7:30 PM | 13.43 | 10.57 |
2011-10-09 | 6:46 AM | 11:42 PM | 16.93 | 7.07 |
2011-10-10 | 7:48 AM | 11:52 PM | 16.07 | 7.93 |
2011-10-11 | 5:32 AM | 9:36 PM | 16.07 | 7.93 |
2011-10-12 | 7:50 AM | 9:59 PM | 14.15 | 9.85 |
2011-10-13 | 7:31 AM | 9:36 PM | 14.08 | 9.92 |
2011-10-14 | 7:57 AM | 11:13 PM | 15.27 | 8.73 |
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