How I used the 5-day holiday

| quantified, review

I took Friday off because I had worked the previous weekend, so our Christmas / Boxing Day holiday turned into a 5-day break. We had a long list of tasks we had saved for blocks of unstructured time, so there was never a dull moment.

Here’s how the break shaped up.

  • Discretionary (48%, 54:50)
    • Quantified Awesome: 25:05
    • Social: 20:42
  • Sleep (41%, 46:12, average of 9:14 per day)
  • Personal (7%, 8:17)
  • Unpaid work (4%, 4:40)
    • Cooking: 2:01
    • Tidying up: 1:51
    • Laundry: 0:48

I’ve added many features to Quantified Awesome, and have started using it as my main time tracking and reporting tool. I don’t have offline access to it yet, though, which annoys me. I can continue to use Tap Log Records for that and merge the records from time to time, but I’d rather develop an HTML5 or Android application that can make the process easier. After I get that sorted out, then I’ll work on opening it up to other people (privacy, access, documentation…) More weekend hacking.

We also spent some time this weekend decluttering. We’ve been building a habit of clearing the kitchen table and the sink every night. I figure that if we can deal with those two areas, we can use that momentum to tackle the rest of the clutter and simplify our lives.

The freezer is full of chili, beef bulgogi, and baked beans. We’re ready for the next few weeks, and for starting 2012 smoothly.

It’s odd knowing exactly where my time went, but I like it.

Next steps:

  • Prototype offline HTML5 interface for Quantified Awesome? Might take several weekends
  • Get rid of another trashbag of clutter
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