Quantified Awesome: Thinking about what I want to build next

Posted: - Modified: | development, geek, quantified

One of the best ways to make the most of those little pockets of time is to keep a someday list. What does my someday list for Quantified Awesome look like? What do I want to build next?

Emacs interface, so that I can add data and synchronize my Org-mode files: I’m split between Emacs and the Web right now. I love the customizability of Emacs, but I like the way my web app lets me easily share information. Solution: Build an API for Quantified Awesome, then integrate Emacs with it!

Android app: I’ll probably start with simple reports using the data exported from Tap Log Records, and maybe a synchronization tool that reuses the REST API I’ll be developing for Emacs integration anyway. After that, I can build my own tracking tools, which would make updating things like stuff locations much easier.

Shared memories: One of my projects is to collect and share family memories. It would be wonderful to organize these into a rough timeline and allow other people like my mom to add corrections or stories of their own. Maybe it will grow into a collaborative memory system someday!

100% test coverage: It’s my own project, so I might as well.

More graphs and statistics: Because slicing and visualizing data is fun!

Integrate my financial data, perhaps? Good to have my envelope-tracking system reflected in my personal dashboard, and maybe I can cross-reference this with time and feelings.

*Integrate automated tests for life.* Write more tests.

Build a web interface for tracking time, etc. That way, I can quickly jump over and enter a note.

Integrate my data from ThinkUp: I’ve been using ThinkUp to archive and analyze my tweets. Maybe I can overlay tweets onto my timeline and convert my current TapLogRecordsController into something more generic.

Learn how to use Mongo: Mongo’s freeform storage might make it much easier for me to stash all sorts of data in a rough timeline. Exploration needed!

So many good things to build. =)


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