Weekly review: Week ending January 20, 2012
| review, weeklyBig week! Several intense days and late nights, but still lots of progress.
Plans for next week
- Work
Finish functionality-related tasks for project C[X]
Work on styling for project C- Decided what I want to do in 2012
- Told my manager and my project manager about my plans for experimenting with business
- Relationships
Go to Rails Pub Nite[X]
Go to Quantified Self Toronto meetup[X]
Go to IBM get-together- Followed up with people after Rails Pub Nite and Quantified Self Toronto meetup
- Helped J- learn Inkscape for her math / media studies project
- Life
Quantified: Open up time tracking to folks[X]
Quantified: Set up bug tracker- Brainstormed business ideas
- Typed up my notes from “Start With Why” and “Lean Startup”
Plans for next week
- Work
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Set up external environment for project C[ ]
Finish styling project C[ ]
Talk to second-line manager and other coworkers regarding plans[ ]
Talk to lots of people about transition
- Relationships
[ ]
Get together with Gabriel and other friends
- Life
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E-mail potential users about time tracking analysis[ ]
Apply things learned from Quantified Self Toronto: Epic Quest of Awesome, time analysis[ ]
Research tips for starting a business in Toronto
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