Weekly review: Week ending January 27, 2012

| review, weekly

I talked to my second-line manager (the manager of my manager) this week. It looks like all systems are go. Heading into my last three weeks at IBM! By golly.

This weekend was a busy one. I did a cooking sprint: beef stew, a stirfry with beef and cabbage, lots of cookies, two loaves of bread, and a pot of oatmeal. That should make our routines smoother for the rest of the week, giving us time to help J- with her homework.

I also worked on the bugs people have started identifying in Quantified Awesome. =) Sometimes the bugs are embarrassing, but I decided to squish my excuses and let people try things anyway. It’s fun tailoring systems to people again. I remember maintaining Planner Mode for a lively community of Emacs geeks, and I loved making all these little tweaks to help them live and work more awesomely. That was fun. It would be great to do something like that again.

From last week’s plans

  • Work
    • [X] Set up external environment for project C
    • [X] Finish styling project C
    • [X] Talk to second-line manager and other coworkers regarding plans
    • [X] Talk to lots of people about transition
  • Relationships
    • [X] Get together with Gabriel and other friends
  • Life
    • [-] E-mail potential users about time tracking analysis
    • [-] Apply things learned from Quantified Self Toronto: Epic Quest of Awesome, time analysis
    • [X] Research tips for starting a business in Toronto
    • Researched incorporation options in Ontario
    • Fixed more Quantified Awesome bugs
      • Monthly view of time summary should now be displayed whenever you try to summarize a range longer than a few weeks (fixed missing file)
      • People should now be able to create accounts through Google (fixed user creation issue)
      • Clothing logs and analyses can now be viewed (fixed permission issue)
      • Added end timestamp and manual timestamp field to time records
    • Read lots of information about starting a small business

Plans for next week

  • Work
    • [ ] Discuss project T transition
    • [ ] Work on project C styling
    • [ ] Plan farewell lunch
  • Relationships
    • [X] Visit the Villanuevas
    • [ ] Help with J’s homework
  • Life
    • [ ] Look into switching to WIND and porting my number in order to take advantage of their data plan
    • [ ] Collect referrals for accountants who focus on small businesses
    • [ ] Figure out way to track and highlight exceptions thrown by Quantified Awesome

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