Weekly review: Week ending April 13, 2012
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From last week’s plans…
- Business
Earn: Project E1: Mon-Thu (training, prototyping)[X]
Earn: Follow up on Engagio illustration[X]
Earn: Help David learn more about Emacs and Org Mode[-]
Connect: Meet up with business mentors[-]
Connect: Attend Quantified Self meetup – actually next week[X]
Connect: Give talk at the Toronto Reference Library on “The Shy Entrepreneur” (April 10, 6pm)[-]
Build: Learn more about Adobe Illustrator[X]
Build: Practise drawing faces[X]
Build: Propose a talk for http://emacsconf.herokuapp.com/
- Relationships
Host cherry-blossom walk[X]
Plan another cherry-blossom walk
- Life
Gardening: Plant more seeds
Plans for next week
- Business
[ ]
Earn: E1: Tue-Thu (training, prototyping)[ ]
Connect: Meet business mentors[ ]
Connect: Quantified Self meetup[ ]
Build: Practise more with ArtRage Studio Pro[ ]
Build: Go through a tutorial for Adobe Illustrator[ ]
Build: Draw more visual metaphors
- Relationships
Have cherry-blossom picnic[ ]
Watch movies with W-
- Life
[ ]
Catch up on reading! =)
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