Weekly review: Week ending May 18, 2012
| review, weeklyBusy week! Learned a lot from Jeremiah Owyang’s talk. Helped two clients. Yay!
Table of Contents
From last week’s plans
- Business
Earn: E1 Tue-Thu – training, prototyping communities[X]
Earn: R1 Mon, Tue, Thu – not needed on Fri – backup instructions, technical interview[X]
Connect: Have lunch with mentor[X]
Connect: Take sketchnotes of Jeremiah Owyang talk[-]
Build: Migrate old time data for Quantified Awesome[X]
Build: Hire VA for data entry[X]
Build: Review applications for WordPress development- Build: Practised drawing figures
- Build: Quantified Awesome: Added library requests
- Build: Quantified Awesome: Improved clothes-tracking interface for multiple outfits
- Relationships
Host study group- Baked four pizzas
- Gardened
- Helped write a bio for my dad’s upcoming TEDxKatipunan talk
- Planned the week of meals
- Inquired about rates for cooking ($30/hour) and chores/errands ($25-35)
- Life
Have massage[X]
Get receipts typed in with line-item detail
Plans for next week
- Business
[ ]
Earn: E1 Tue-Thu – training, getting ready for conference[ ]
Earn: R1 Submit timesheet[ ]
Connect: Sat: Help out with Ladies Learning Code workshop[ ]
Connect: Tue: Drop by Hack Lab open house[ ]
Connect: Thu: Take notes at WordPress meetup (custom post types)[X]
Build: Upload sketchnotes to Google+[ ]
Build: Delegate more tasks[ ]
Build: Update my business accounts
- Relationships
[ ]
Plant front garden[ ]
Clear inbox[ ]
Practise making pepperoni pizzas until I can make awesome ones
- Life
[ ]
Start a “Stuff I Use” blog series
Time notes
- Business: 55:11 (E1 23:11, R1 11:56, Quantified Awesome 1:51, drawing 6:37, connect 5:57)
- Discretionary: 20:25 (gardening 2:07, writing 5:06, social 12:05)
- Personal: 29:04 (biking 11:02, routines 11:51)
- Sleep: 57:29 (average 8.2 hours per day)
- Unpaid work: 5:46 (more cooking this week)
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