The weekends are just packed

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Saturday: Took Neko to the vet for an annual checkup and vaccination, and to ask about her squinty right eye. The vet gave us eyedrops just in case Neko’s eye had gotten infected after a fight with the other cats. The eyedrops are to be administered every twelve hours. Eyedrops are tricky enough with people, much less cats. Pointy cats. It turns out that eyedrops for cats are more like this toothpaste-y ointment that you squeeze in a line from one end of the eye to the other, and then you massage the cat’s eye veeeery carefully to help spread it. W-‘s been the brave person taking care of this at home while I hold Neko, as she tends to not scratch me.

W- spent the afternoon painting various things – fixing a rust spot on his car, adding a second coat of paint to the chair that he built. My chair still looks fine. We’re looking forward to hanging out. I spent the afternoon gardening. I turned the compost, weeded the garden, watered the plants, and contemplated what to plant next. The bok choy and lavender plants are doing amazingly. I want to cover the garden with them.

One of my clients was getting ready for a big demo, so I agreed to be on call. A couple of testing and production issues were stressful, but we made things work again. I’m glad to be able to help out.

Sunday was mostly cooking. Practically all cooking. 5 hours and 42 minutes of cooking, another 17 minutes for tidying (hooray for clean-as-you-go and meals that can simmer or bake). The shrimp kebabs were awesome explosions of colour and flavour, and today’s pizza crust turned out wonderfully too. I think we might be getting the hang of this. Also, I had fun figuring out how to use Emacs Org Mode to plan my batch cooking sessions, so you’ll probably see a blog post about that soon.

Still, I turned down two invitations to hang out this weekend. Part of me knows that we should be cultivating friendships, but then hanging out with W- and getting things ready for the week is so much fun, and I needed to be available just in case things were on fire at one of my clients. The client should have a full-time sysad next month, so things should ease up a little. Both W- and I are in crunch mode, but the time we invest during the weekends helps us keep things sane. Maybe I should see about connecting with people online or over the phone instead?

Tired but happy.

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