Weekly review: Week ending June 22, 2012
| weeklyBusy week, business-wise. I learned how to use Quickbooks Pro to set up my books, and now I’m having an accountant review them to set things up correctly and answer some of my questions. I also picked up Camtasia Studio 8, and I’ve been playing around with using that for screencasts. Both are cool, and I’m learning a lot.
W- ordered LEGO Batman 2, and it’s awesome. I’ve been balancing it with long walks and lots of writing, though, so it’s not a complete timesuck!
Table of Contents
From last week’s plans
Earn: E1: Community prototyping and remote training[X]
Earn: R1: I18n, invoice – invoice next week[X]
Connect: Meet with mentor[X]
Build: Post a job ad for Quickbooks help[X]
Build: Start copying highlights into Scrivener – copied into Sigil instead[-]
Build: Write guide for analyzing Tap Log CSVs – postponed- Build: Bought Quickbooks Pro and Camtasia Studio 8
- Build: Set up my books
- Build: Hired a bookkeeper/accountant/advisor
- Build: Learned how to work with Camtasia Studio 8
Paint chairs – didn’t need to paint mine[-]
Call friends – I’ve just been hanging out with W- lately… =)[X]
Take Neko to vet for checkup
More writing- Chatted with John Wiegley about Emacs
- Played Lego Batman 2, yay!
Plans for next week
[ ]
Earn: E1: Community prototyping, in-person training[ ]
Earn: R1: I18n, invoice[ ]
Build: Edit more blog highlights; finish 2003[ ]
Build: Build a backlog of posts[ ]
Connect: Prepare Girl Geeks Dinner talk[ ]
Connect: Go to WordPress meetup[ ]
Connect: Go to torontob2b meetup
[ ]
Cook a large batch of food[ ]
Get together with friends?
[ ]
Play Lego Batman 2
Time notes
- Business: 50:25 (E1 21:25, R1 6:51, connect 4:47)
- Discretionary: 31:52 (writing 9:10, social 1:21, Emacs 8:49, LEGO Batman 3:15)
- Personal: 23:51 (biking 7:51, routines 7:19)
- Sleep: 51:00 (average 7.3 hours per day)
- Unpaid work: 10:26
Hmm, my time use is actually pretty stable over weeks…
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