Waiting for technology

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Some people are early adopters when it comes to gadgets. They’re the first out the door with the latest mobile phone or camera. I’m a little more conservative. I’ll look closely at the reviews, figure out what I want, save up, and shop around for a good deal.

I’ve been thinking about getting the Asus Eee Transformer Pad Infinity TF700. It’s one of the best Android tablets around and the reviews are good. I’m particularly looking forward to the high-resolution display for reading and reviewing drawings and e-books. At 1920×1200, it’ll have higher resolution than my 1366×768 laptop. Maybe I can use it as a second screen, too.

The TF700 is not yet available in Canada, so I’ll wait. In the meantime, I’ve checked out lots of books on Android development and I’ve started sketching interfaces. I can prototype on my laptop and on my phone, and it would be amazing to have the tablet version ready for when I buy the TF700. That way, I know I won’t waste the tablet – I’ll already have learned something useful because of it, and I’ll have demonstrated business use.

There are a few other good Android tablets on the market. I think the TF700’s worth waiting for. I don’t mind paying retail price for it, though, as it’s the kind of thing that will probably sell out quickly and I do want to have one in hand well before the Quantified Self conference in September. I’d like to get the hang of using it and developing it before I rely on it.

I know there’ll be even better gadgets after that – technology! — but that’s okay too. Progress!

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