Weekly review: Week ending July 13, 2012
| weeklyA bit crunchy this week – three events on consecutive evenings! – but we pulled through just fine. Along the way, I learned a lot about formatting EPUB and MOBI, yay!
Earn: E1: Community prototyping, homepage redesign, help[X]
Earn: R1: Transition?[X]
Connect: Give Quantified Self talk at Toronto Girl Geeks Dinner[X]
Connect: Help host Quantified Self Toronto[X]
Connect: Attend TPL Small Business Meetup at the Toronto Reference Library[X]
Build: Learn about EPUB – posted my blog highlights book to the Amazon Kindle store! (affiliate link, naturally =) ). Woohoo![X]
Build: Transcribe Emacs screencast
Visit Hattoris – went strawberry-picking[-]
Plan the Dark Knight Rises get-together? – waiting for Cineplex to release more IMAX screening times- Drafted response to letter
Relax- Survived crunch week! =)
Plans for next week
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Earn: E1: Training, creating training material[ ]
Connect: Set up next Emacs chat?[ ]
Build: Start sketching Android app[ ]
Build: Learn more about accounting[ ]
Build: Attend WordPress Toronto meetup: Custom Post Types
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Plan Dark Knight Rises get-together[ ]
Help lay the foundation for the shed
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Play more LEGO Batman 2 =)
Time notes
- Business: 52:20 (E1 26:15, connect 5:26)
- Discretionary: 32:30 (Emacs 0:26, social 17:09, writing 6:56)
- Personal: 21:30 (biking 5:21, routines 11:39)
- Sleep: 55:16 (average 7.9 hours per day)
- Unpaid work: 4:20
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.