Weekly review: Week ending September 21, 2012
| weeklyMy family decided to go on a roadtrip to Disneyland in Anaheim, so off we went! Two days going there along the scenic route, two days in Disneyland, and a day coming back. It was a lot of fun.
From last week’s plans
Connect: Attend Quantified Self 2012 conference[-]
Connect: Follow up with people after conference; may have to wait until after family trip[-]
Connect: Empty my inbox[X]
Build: Sketch membership directory
Spend time with family[X]
Maintain tranquility and equanimity; don’t get overwhelmed (Disney can be overstimulating, but we remembered to make time for naps!)
Recover from conference
Plans for next week
Earn: E1: Fix IE7 bug[ ]
Earn: E1: Periodically check in to see if they’re doing okay[X]
Connect: Empty my inbox[X]
Connect: Debrief from QS conference[ ]
Connect: Put together sketchnotes from conference[ ]
Connect: Meet Gregor Bingham and consider personal coaching[ ]
Connect: Take sketchnotes at Entrepreneurship 101 lecture series at MaRS[ ]
Connect: Check in with project O[ ]
Connect: Put together a Drupal prototype for the directory[X]
Build: Start SNA course at Coursera
[ ]
Spend time with W-[ ]
Catch up with the people I promised to catch up with[ ]
Cuddle the cats![ ]
Give J- bento accessories and the purse Ching sent
Re-enable my library requests[ ]
Break out the cool-weather clothes
Time notes
Pretty good sleep, all things considered…
- Business: 27.4 hours (Connect: 27.4)
- Discretionary: 68.4 hours (Social: 57.5, Writing: 5.2)
- Personal: 11.7 hours (Routines: 11.7)
- Sleep: 60.2 hours – average of 8.6 hours per day
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