Weekly review: Week ending October 26, 2012
| weeklyConference crunch! I’ve been sketchnoting so much, and people really like what I share. Onward and upward!
I’ve been increasing my delegation experiments. I think this will work out wonderfully. =)
From last week’s plans
Earn: E1: Consulting (2.5 days)[X]
Connect: Sketchnote MaRS Entrepreneurship 101 course (Wed)[X]
Connect: Sketchnote mobile business track at AndroidTO (Thu)[X]
Connect: Sketchnote The Changing Nature of Influence meetup (Thu)[X]
Connect: Sketchnote TEDxToronto (Fri)[X]
Connect: Talk to QuantifiedSelf.com crew (Mon)[-]
Connect: Order new business cards – found a stash of old cards![-]
Connect: Outline presentation[X]
Build: Document my sketchnote process for post-conference follow-up[X]
Build: Train Linda on post-conference follow-up process- Connect: Reached out to Binaebi regarding sketchnoting as a business
- Connect: Helped Bobby Umar with summarizing chat
Send post-party thank you notes – wrote them, stamped them, but haven’t dropped them into the mailbox![X]
Help Rachel Lane paint[X]
Attend David Ing’s party[X]
Attend Eric Buchegger’s party[X]
Restocked freezer
Put away deck chairs[X]
Analyze groceries / spending data[-]
Harvest basil[X]
Update categorical index of blog posts
Plans for next week
[ ]
Earn: E1: Consulting (3 days)[ ]
Connect: Sketchnote The Business of Awesome (Mon)[ ]
Connect: Sketchnote Toronto Star Business Club event (Tue)[ ]
Connect: Sketchnote Startup Communities (Tue)[ ]
Connect: Sketchnote Entrepreneurship 101 (Wed)[ ]
Connect: Attend Startup Drinks (Wed)[ ]
Connect: Sketchnote WordCamp Developers (Fri, Sat?)[ ]
Build: Purchase TurboTax and give it a try[ ]
Build: Help Linda with post-sketchnote process[ ]
Build: Back up my files[ ]
Build: Perhaps find another accountant/bookkeeper who can doublecheck the work?
Get back into the swing of household routines[ ]
Attend Emma’s get-together[ ]
Set up regular get-togethers
[ ]
Work on art assignment[ ]
Set up sketchnote lessons?
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