Weekly review: Week ending February 15, 2013
| weeklyBlog posts
- Developing a sense of time with Tasker alerts on my Android phone
- Starting from scratch with Windows 8
- Dealing with professional envy
- Dealing with presentation block
- Dealing with distractions
Accomplished this week
- Business
- Earn: Consulting – E1 – Thursday
- Earn: Consulting – E1 – Tuesday
- Talk to Stephen Friedman about sketchnotes
- Talk to Naomi Fein about sketchnotes
- Send Vivien information
- Renew my mailbox
- Participated in GenArtHackParty, learned how to work with paper.js and d3js
- Worked on UK visa application for Emacs conference
- Relationships
- Cook yakiudon
- Have coffee with Myles
- Make snow fort!
- Go to appointment
- Life
- Set up event page for Visual Thinkers Toronto
Plans for next week
- Business
[ ]
Consulting – E1: Tuesday, Thursday[ ]
Map some artist styles[ ]
File annual resolutions[ ]
File Ontario annual return[ ]
Sketchnote a book[ ]
Practise presentation for Pecha Kucha[ ]
Present at Pecha Kucha Toronto[ ]
Get visa photo[ ]
Draft Emacs talk[ ]
Sketch past ENT101 talks?
- Relationships
[ ]
Copy Quantified Self Toronto videos again[ ]
Go to HackLab on Wednesday
- Life
[ ]
Go to visa appointment[ ]
Declutter[ ]
File federal annual return http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/cd-dgc.nsf/eng/cs03958.html[ ]
Study for the Canadian citizenship test
Time review
- Business: 38.9 hours (E1: 16.7, Connect: 7.9, Drawing: 1.0)
- Discretionary: 44.9 hours (Social: 2.2, Writing: 3.3)
- Personal: 16.6 hours (Routines: 10.6)
- Sleep: 56.7 hours – average of 8.1 hours per day
- Unpaid work: 11.0 hours (Commuting: 6.0, Cook: 1.6)
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