Home improvements, drawing, blogging; Weekly review: Week ending May 24, 2013
| weeklyWe’ve been working on repairing the deck and the patio, so the backyard is a mess. Good to spend time helping W-, though. =)
It’s getting easier and easier to focus on my own projects instead of saying yes to requests that come my way. I’m learning!
Blog posts
- Emacs, drawing, and blogging: Week ending May 17, 2013
- Slice of life: Home improvements
- Emacs Chat: Bastien Guerry
- How I use Feedburner to give people the option of different blog update frequencies
- First impressions of Artrage 4
- Visual book review: The Visual Marketing Revolution (Stephanie Diamond)
- How to make a hand-drawn highlighted web page header
Accomplished this week
- Business
- Earn
- Earn: Consulting – E1 – Tuesday
- Earn: Consulting – E1 – Thursday
- Connect
- Co-host Quantified Self
- Talk to Bastien Guerry about Emacs
- Build
- Sketchnote a book
- Choose a topic to package
- Earn
- Relationships
- Help with home improvements
- Life
- Declutter
- Garden
- Plant zucchini, more bitter melon, bok choi, and lettuce
- Plant lavender
- Add compost and move bok choi
Plans for next week
- Business
- Earn
[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Tuesday[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Thursday[ ]
Assist with sketchnoting workshop[ ]
Talk to GN about B sketchnotes[ ]
Sketch how to make a deputation
- Connect
[ ]
Process Quantified Self Toronto audio[ ]
Co-host Visual Thinkers meetup[ ]
Follow up with Quantified Self Toronto people
- Build
[ ]
Listen to a QS video and classify it[ ]
Fix HST on previous restaurant transactions[ ]
Sketchnote a book[ ]
Interface for goals
- Earn
- Relationships
[ ]
Reply to Mike’s letter[ ]
Reply to Mel’s letter
- Life
[ ]
Return books to the Japan Foundation library[ ]
[#C] Study for the Canadian citizenship test[ ]
Play some more FF?[ ]
Figure out org2blog publishing using Org 8
Time review
- Business: 42.1 hours (Earn: 15.4, E1: 14.9, Connect: 9.3, Build: 17.4)
- Discretionary: 39.4 hours (Social: 3.5, Productive: 8.0, Writing: 2.4, Emacs: 2.4)
- Personal: 23.2 hours (Routines: 14.2)
- Sleep: 53.9 hours – average of 7.7 hours per day
- Unpaid work: 9.5 hours (Commuting: 3.3, Cook: 2.4, Tidy: 1.7)
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