Weekly review: Week ending July 5, 2013
| weeklyLong weekend, lots of cooking. Life is good.
Blog posts
- Tools and tracking: Week ending June 28, 2013
- Wonton movie marathon
- Wontonomics: Dumpling numbers
- Monthly review: June 2013
- Emacs Chat: Sacha Chua (with Bastien Guerry)
- Virtual hang-out experiments: Notes on AnyMeeting
- Visual book review: Leading Out Loud: A Guide for Engaging Others in Creating the Future (Terry Pearce)
Quick notes
- You know you’re really friends with someone when they do tech support for your parents.
- The Philippine embassy writes down tracking numbers for packages, hooray. But Canada Post says it’s been delivered, and it hasn’t!
- Friday is a good catch-up day.
Focus areas and time review
- Business (28.0h – 16%)
- Earn (13.0h – 46% of Business)
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Thursday[X]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Tuesday[X]
Follow up on B invoices[X]
Set up tracking spreadsheet[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Tuesday[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Thursday[ ]
Follow up on overview[ ]
Sketch how to make a deputation
- Build (7.8h – 27% of Business)
- Quantified Awesome (2.9h)
Finish goal interface- ( ) Make receipt-tracking interface
- Drawing (1.2h)
Sketchnote a book[X]
Write about drawing emotions[ ]
Sketchnote another book
- Paperwork (3.6h)
Figure out how to pay myself[X]
Set up payroll account[ ]
Pay myself annual salary
- Quantified Awesome (2.9h)
- Connect (7.2h – 25% of Business)
Document process experiment for Visual Thinking meetup[X]
Talk to Eric and Joshua about Quantified Self workshops[ ]
Do a quick video on Areas & Outlines
- Earn (13.0h – 46% of Business)
- Relationships (12.5h – 7%)
Check out lots of libraries on my bike[X]
Check out potential new bike for J[X]
Go to Eric’s moving party[X]
Hang out with Morgan and Cathy[X]
Host LivingAnAwesomeLife.com virtual meetup/experiment[X]
Make lots and lots of wontons while watching movies[X]
Set up next hangout as a Google Hangout On Air[ ]
Hang out with Linda?[ ]
Pick up bicycle
- Discretionary – Productive (16.3h – 9%)
Follow up on my passport[X]
Follow up with embassy regarding passport[X]
Read through my backlog[ ]
Follow up on my passport[ ]
Review Emacs chat transcript and post it
- Writing (7.8h)
- Discretionary – Play (7.1h – 4%)
- Personal routines (24.8h – 14%)
- Unpaid work (19.1h – 11%)
- Made gazpacho
- Sleep (59.9h – 35% – average of 8.6 per day)
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